毅力冲破黑暗! Perseverance breaking the dark! 守望光明的努力屋 Watch bright housing efforts

再次分离的身, Again separation body,
挡不住终于重聚的心。 Finally reunited stop the heart.
所以神啊,请倾听我们的愿望。 So God, please listen to our wishes.
愿我们的力量化作利剑, To our swords into force,
斩断他们所有的悲伤。 Cut off all their sadness.
愿我们的力量化为烈焰, To our strength into flames
燃尽他们所有的彷徨。 Burning all their desperation.
当一切都结束的那一刻, When all concluded that moment,
愿这份爱,能成为拯救世界的曙光。 This would love to become the dawn of saving the world.

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« 上一篇: 站着不行我就爬! «On the one: I am not standing on the climb! ! BOMF3,登场! BOMF3, on! ! 下一篇: 考完了! Under one: sit! BOMF5,继续! BOMF5 continue! ! ! » »
快变成微生物了的小道 @ 2005-10-29 22:32 The faster the roads become microbial @ 2005-10-29 22:32

对不起对不起各位,我真的真的没有在拖时间………………真的! I am sorry that I am sorry, I really really do not have time in the trailer ... ... ... really! ! ! ! ! !
我越来越觉得自己真是个凡人,想不吃饭不睡觉几乎不可能……虽然我为了这个最近一星期每天只睡5小时,中午饭只用15分…………可是还是时间不够用…………因为…………微生物要考试了……………… I increasingly feel really is a mortal, not to sleep almost impossible not to eat ... Although I recently this week to sleep five hours a day, lunch only 15 minutes ... or hours ... But not enough ... ... ... ... because microorganisms to examination ... ... ...
背书背得我觉得自己快变成细菌了………… I think back in the endorsement itself into fast bacteria ... ...
…………………………|||| ... ... ... ... ... | | | |
当时,小威对我说“真的可以相信你吗”的时候,我思考了很久,在认为可以求小桔帮忙的情况下,我觉得我们应该可以办得到……然后,在小桔半道退出之后,我因为觉得实在很想为大家帮忙,另外也是太喜欢这个作品了,所以自己拿着字典开始拼命……但是,我毕竟是不会日语,能做到这样,连老师都觉得不可能……其实我自己开始也觉得不可能…… At that time, Williams told me that "you can really believe?" Time, I think for a long time, that can seek help small orange circumstances, I think we should be able to do it ... then, in the small orange-Road exit, I feel that because we really want to help, as well this is too much like work, so they went all out to start with a dictionary ... but I will not Japanese, after all, can do so, even the teachers think it is impossible ... I also think that they can begin ...
但是,事实证明,没有不可能,只有尽可能! However, the facts prove that, without the impossible, possible only! ! !
所以,我会继续的! Therefore, I will continue! ! 不过哦,大家可能要等久一些,抱歉,因为我还是要先保证学业|||| But oh, you may have to wait some time, sorry, because I still have to guarantee academic | | | |

————————————对不起久等了起头线—————————————————————— Sorry Jamie ------------ ---------------------- the registered Line
5月号 In May,

  “出来。过来。” "Out. Over. "
  随着刺耳的金属摩擦声,锈迹斑斑的铁栅门被打开了。 With the deafening sound of metal friction, still memorize the rusty metal door was open. 看守将宗介从牢房里带了出来。 The guards were referred from the inner cell out.
  从被抓进来起已经过了一个晚上。 The arrest has been coming from a night.
  警方进行了不正当逮捕并捏造了证据。 Police conducted improper arrest and fabricated evidence. 对于第三世界的这类国家来说,这都是习以为常的事情。 For Third World countries such, this is accustomed to things.
  宗介一点儿也没有觉得惊讶,警察局的拘留所的肮脏也只是“啊,不过如此”的程度而已。 Nor were referred to feel a little bit surprised at the police detention only dirty "ah, the sounds," the extent of it. 但是就算这样,那个拘留所对于过一夜来说,可算得上是最糟糕的空间了。 But even so, that the detention facility for the night, turned out to be a space for the worst.
  潮湿的墙壁和地板由于经常沾上大小便而变得黏乎乎的,屋里充满了馊腐的恶臭,烦人的苍蝇嗡嗡嗡地到处飞来飞去。 Damp walls and floor because his urine often becomes sticky and dirty, having a house full of rotten stench, the annoying flies and bees flying everywhere. 可以称得上是照明的光线,只有从天花板附近的墙上开的一个小窗户里射进来的一条太阳光而已。 The lighting can be called a light, only from a wall near the ceiling of a small window in a shot coming in sunlight only. 要是在这里过上三天的话,用不着怎样身体或精神之一就会先崩溃了。 If in the last three days here, no need for what would be one of the physically or mentally to crumble. 事实上,牢房里就有几个这样的男人,枯瘦的肩膀不停地颤抖着,嘴里不断地发出呓语。 In fact, the cells are several such men, skinny shoulders constantly trembling, issued mouth constantly Murmuring.
  被叫出去的只有宗介一个人而已。 The only person called out-of a person only. 一起被抓进来的雷蒙就那么被留在牢房里,只能用交织着疲劳与不安的目光目送着他离去。 Coming together Raimundo was arrested by the then stay in the cells, only intertwined with the fatigue and anxiety eyes watching him leave.
  双手被手铐反绑在背后,宗介被带到了警察局二楼的审讯室。 His hands were tied behind his back in handcuffs, were taken to the police station referred to the second floor of the interrogation room.
  虽然说叫“审讯室”,其实是个除了两把铁管椅子和光秃秃的电灯泡之外,别的什么也没有的房间。 Although called "interrogation room," in fact is only two chairs and iron pipes bare light bulb, nothing other rooms. 露出混凝土的墙壁上,到处都沾染着黑红色的污迹。 The exposed concrete walls, and everywhere contaminated with red walls. 大概是警官们“打听事情”的时候溅上去的吧。 Probably the officers to "inquire about things" to the time it 18-20. 还不只是血迹而已。 It is not just blood. 在房间的一角,和尘埃和垃圾混在一起,稀稀落落地散布着一些茶色的小石子一样的东西。 In the corner of the room, and dust and garbage mixed together, began to spread some of Brown visited the same things.
  那些是——牙齿。 Those are - teeth.
  是被打下来的吗,还是用钳子生拧下来的呢。 Yes? Beaten down, or with pliers and screw it down. 到底是招待了多少客人,才会留下那么多的牙齿呢。 In the end is in honor of the number of guests will be leaving so many teeth it. 是为了挑起下一个牺牲者的恐怖心,才这么放着不扫的吧。 One is to provoke the victims of the terrorist mind, not only with such sweep this.
  但是,面对着这种凄惨的光景,宗介的心里却产生了一种不可思议的,不如说是怀念的感觉。 However, faced with such a miserable of time, but in the hearts of these referrals have an incredible, it is better to miss that feeling.
  正是这样。 Is true. 这才是自己本来应该待的地方。 This is the question that should be their place. 东京那温暖的公寓,充满光明的教室,高级的饮食,还有欢乐的笑声。 Tokyo apartment that warm, full of bright classrooms, senior diet, there are joyful laughter. 那些原本就不是自己的世界。 Those who had not own world.
 尤其是,对于现在的自己来说。 In particular, he is now.
  不变成兵器是不行的。 Do not become weapons is not acceptable.
  变成准确地运转的精密仪器。 Accurate operation of a precision instrument.
  除了痛苦的残骸以外,没有任何东西的房间。 In addition to suffering from the wreckage, nothing rooms. 凝视着那墙壁上的一点,心情慢慢地变得冰冷而干燥。 Staring at the walls, the mood gradually become cold and dry.
眼神发直,神经逐渐变得敏锐起来。 Eyes straight hair, become more sensitive nerve up.
  更加地锐利。 More and sharp. 更加地冷酷。 And more grim.
  就那样向“卡西姆”返回过去。 As to the "Kassem" return to the past.
  这是从离开东京的时候起,就一点一点在进展着的过程。 This is the time to leave Tokyo, 1.1 points on the progress in the process. 那样做,对于从那时起的他来说是必要的。 To do so, since then, he is necessary.
  差不多等了一个小时,有个男的进来了。 As almost an hour, a boy to come through.
  是“署长”。 "Director."
  慢悠悠的,仿佛在卖弄风骚一般的步态。 Brainerd, seem to show off flirtatious general gait. 大概是为了让无论多么愚钝的人都能明白谁才是这个房间的支配者,才用这么个走法的吧。 Presumably to let no matter how stupid people can understand who is the domination of this room, so only used a method of taking it. 腿上穿着肥大的西装裤和骑马靴,简直就是在模仿纳粹德国的冷酷军官。 Wearing a suit mast leg pants and riding boots, it is in imitation of Nazi Germany's cold-blooded officer.
  “强盗、伤害、杀人未遂……” "Gangster, injury, attempted murder ..."
  署长说道。 The Director said.
  “恐吓、伪证、非法入境、违法的赌博行为、伪造公文、妨碍执行公务、非法携带武器……还有别的什么要求吗?” "Intimidation, perjury, illegal immigration, illegal gambling, forgery of documents, impeding the implementation of official business, illegal possession of weapons ... there are other requirements?"
  “在说什么哪。” "Which says what."
  “是你的罪状哟,相良宗介。往少了估计也得判你四十八年徒刑,虽然只差一点就接近半个世纪了……” "You count yo, phase-in referrals. To less-you have to estimate 1959 imprisonment, although only almost nearly half a century ... "
  “那加上‘对警察干部的暴行’如何。现在马上就实行。” "That coupled with 'right cadre of police atrocities' how. Now immediately implemented. "
  “哼。” "Sing."
  署长挠了挠下巴,站在近旁的大个子警官毫不留情地一拳打在宗介的侧脸上。 Director of the torsion torsion chin, a big man standing nearby police relentlessly in a punch-in on the facial. 沉闷的响声在审讯室里回荡。 Sounds boring interrogation room echoed. 虽说是预料之中的一击,但是,果然还是很厉害。 Although the expected is a blow, but, it was still very powerful. 上身完全不受意志控制地向后仰倒,就要从椅子上滑落下去的时候,背后的警官粗暴地把他拉了回来。 Applicants will not be completely back to the control down, we should go down the chair, behind the police violently to him pulled him back.
  “你好像怎么也搞不明白啊。” "You also like how they did not understand ah."
  “…………” "... ..."
  “这里不仅仅是审讯室。同时也是法庭,也是行刑场。检察官也是我,审判官也是我。然后,执行官,还是本人我。” "This is not just interrogation rooms. The court also is to the execution ground. Prosecutors also me, I also judge. Then, executives, or I me. "
  “……好像人手相当不足哪。” "... Which seems inadequate manpower."
  要低声说出那句讽刺的话也是颇费了一些力气的。 Ironically sentence hearing to tell if some effort is the consuming. 嘴里充满了血,折断的臼齿一个劲儿地打转转。 Your mouth full of blood, broken teeth and a trial of strength without reason. 虽然很想吐出来,但是又不想让它变成这个房间的战利品,于是就那么硬吞下去了。 Although Brown out, but we do not want to let it become the booty in this room, so that a hard foul.
  (插花……不要吧……不要让人家那么年轻就缺颗牙啊||||贺东老师……) (Floral arrangement ... not ... do not let it so young people on the missing teeth ah | | | | He-Dong teachers ...)
  “到底有什么事。不会是特意为了告诉我要判我五十年才来的吧。” "What is the matter in the end. Do not tell me specifically to sentence me to 50 years to come to this. "
  “你能认识到这一点很好。” "You can understand this point very well."
  署长笑了起来。 Director laugh again. 肚子和下巴上的肉忽悠忽悠地,有规律地摇晃着。 The stomach and chin Few Words About Huyou Few Words About Huyou meat, a rocking regularly.
  “是‘斗技场’的事。” " 'Fighting skills in' thing."
  “…………” "... ..."
  “从刚出场开始就一直连战连胜呢。下一场比赛再赢了的话,你们队不就升上A等级了吗。你的技术就算在主办方之间,很快也会有定评了。冲上顶峰的位置也只是时间的问题了吧。” "From the outset has just played it straight Lien Chan. Win the next game, what are you on the team or not on the Class A right. Even if your technology between the organizers, there will soon be a commentary. Dashed peak position is only a matter of time instead. "
  “就是那么打算的。” "The intention is then."
  “那就难办了。” "It was difficult."
  署长摘下警帽,抚摩着自己光秃秃的脑瓜顶。 Director won caps, rubbing their bare head top.
  “斗技场这里有许多出名的队伍。通过让他们的胜利保持良好的平衡,适当地管理王者的地位,令观众们能始终不断地享受到这个比赛的乐趣。高效的运营。稳定的娱乐性。只有这样,‘我们’才能享受到巨大的利益。你明白吗?” "Contending technical field here has many famous teams. The victory by allowing them to maintain a good balance, proper management of the King's status so that the audience can always enjoy the fun of this game. Efficient operations. Stable entertainment. Only in this way, 'we' can enjoy tremendous benefits. you understand? "
  署长所说的“我们”的意思,宗介也是很清楚的。 The Director said "we" meant, in the referral is very clear.
  斗技场的运营委员会。 Technical Field of the Big Dipper operating committee. 比赛的主办人们。 Competition organized by the people. 提供AS零件的商人,以及街上有权有势的人。 AS components provide businessmen, and the streets powerful and influential people. 犯罪组织和官僚组织。 Organized crime and bureaucracy. 像任何时候一样,有头有脸的人们都为了吸吮到甜头,而向着流动着莫大的资金的这个比赛云集而来。 Like any course, there are the first to face the people have begun to suck, but toward the great flow of funds gathered from the competition.
  “达欧他们也在为我好好工作。然后呢——‘相良宗介’。你扰乱了我们的秩序。这就是把你叫到这个房间来的理由。在这里想办法加强相互的理解,为了彼此的今后而进行‘调整’,你不认为有这个必要吗?” "Satisfy Euro They are also good for my work. And then it - 'phase-in referrals'. You disrupt our order. It takes you to his room to this reason. Here wish to strengthen mutual understanding, in order to carry out their future and 'adjustment', you do not think that there is a necessary? "
  “原来如此。” "So that was it."
  “调整”——说白了,就是打假比赛的事情吧。 "Adjustments" - said bluntly, the game is what it counterfeit. 要不然,还会有别的什么深意吗。 Otherwise, there will be any deep level?.
  “不按你的意思来的话,就要判我五十年徒刑,是这个意思吧。” "Do you mean to by the words, it is necessary to sentence me to 50 years in prison, is the meaning of it."
  “那个法国人也是哦。队伍老板的小姑娘什么的也是,再加上她的那些伙伴们也可以。在闲得发慌的看守和犯人们那儿,年轻的小姑娘会受到什么样的对待,我想就没必要说明了吧。在这条街上要反抗我,想都别想。” "Oh, is that the French people. Her team boss what is, together with her partners who can. Okay feeling in the guards and the prisoners there, the young girl will be what kind of treatment, I think that they have no need of it. In the streets of this resistance to me, would like to have more. "
  虽然娜美和雷蒙的事情被提了出来,宗介却丝毫没有慌张。 Although the United States and Na Raimundo things were mentioned, but did not refer in panic. 在双手被手铐反绑在身后的这种状态下,仔细考量着是否应该杀死两个警官和署长。 In his hands were tied behind his back in handcuffs under such conditions, should carefully consider whether to kill two police officers and directors.
  ——应该,还是做得到的吧。 -- Should, or can do it.
  也试着想过,能不能杀死三个人然后摘掉手铐,夺得武器再逃出去。 Also try thought, can kill three individuals then remove handcuffs and weapons to escape to win.
  ——这也不比刚才那个困难多少。 -- This is not that difficult than just the number.
  把雷蒙从牢房里救出来,跑到娜美那里去,然后再逃离这条街呢? The Raimundo rescued from the cell, Na went to the US there, and then fled from the streets?
  ——真的,简直一点儿也不费事。 -- Really, it is a bit cumbersome.
  但是,那样的话就没有意义了。 However, it did not meaningless. 所以,宗介这样回答了。 Therefore, such referrals were answered.
  “好像是那样啊。有‘调整’的必要的话我会协助的。但是我也有个要求。” "Ah, as it is. The 'adjustment' necessary, I would help them. But I also have a request. "
  署长颇有兴趣地挑起了一根眉毛。 Director of the quite interested to provoke an eyebrow.
  “要在那个足球场打串通好的比赛是无所谓,但是我也想要能拿出真本事的机会。能自由地展现我的身手,拿到的钱也更多。那样的地方。” "To play in that field is called collusion good race, but I also want to show real ability opportunities. I can be free to demonstrate the skill, get more money. As places. "
  “…………” "... ..."
  “有的吧?” "Some?"
  这个问题一提出来,署长有好一会儿没有说话,同时用谨慎的目光仔细观察着宗介。 This raised a question, the Director did not speak good while, but with careful attention to carefully observe the cases referred.
  “你说什么呢?” "You trying to say?"
  “听到过传闻了。” "Heard the rumors."
  “在哪儿听到的?” "Where are heard?"
  “各种地方。” "Various places."
  署长面无表情地用当地语言说了些什么。 Director impassively in local languages said something. 警官中的一个人点了点头,不情不愿地走出了审讯室。 A police officer who heard the first, and out of the situation to the trial chamber. 关上房门,署长的脸上浮现出走了形的微笑。 Behind the Director's face away the surface shape of a smile.
  “你是清楚‘那个’的内容才这么说的吗?” "You know 'that' to say that the content?"
  “当然了。面向VIP客人的暗黑格斗战,使用装填了实弹的武器。报酬也大的很。” "Of course. VIP guests for the Diablo fighting warfare, the use of live ammunition loading weapons. Also a very big reward. "
  “出场者有半数在几个月之内就死掉啰。” "Have played in a few months, half die within 1,10."
  “好像是有那么回事吧。” "Like it is something else."
  宗介满不在乎地说。 Referrals were nonchalant said. 署长把警帽重新戴在头上,仿佛在刺探般地低声说道。 Director of the re-cap in the head, as if in spying swiftly hearing said.
  “会在‘那个’里出场的只有两种人。要么就是欠了钱,或者有把柄握在别人手里的原AS驾驶员,要么就是对自己的实力过分自信的傻瓜。二者其中之一。能听听你特意对它表示出兴趣的理由吗?” "In 'that', played only two people. Or is owed money, or a handle grip in the hands of others in the original AS driver, either on our own strength too confident fools. One of the two. You can listen to it specifically expressed interest reasons? "
  “首先,就是要钱。要为一个女人赎身。是个妓女。” "First, is money. For a woman cracked. A prostitute. "
  “哪儿的女人?” "Where are the women?"
  “不在这条街上。在东京。” "This is not the street. In Tokyo. "
  (插花:宗介!你真敢说……小要要是知道了不拿扇子打你才怪咧|||||||) (Floral arrangement: in the referral! You really small ... dare to know if a fan you will not take 100 points ... mindboggling |||||||)
  当然是胡说八道的。 The course is nonsense. 在酒馆和电视剧里头听多了,能说出这种老一套的话倒也不过分。 The drama inside taverns and listen more, to tell us so banal inverted not be overemphasized. 说女人在东京,只是为了让署长他们不容易打听出内情来而已。 Said a woman in Tokyo, just to let them not be easy Director of the facts to inquire about it.
只有这点事情的话,署长也能想象得出来吧。 The only thing this point, the Director can also imagine that come. 对于女人的话题没有太大兴趣的样子,他继续询问道: The women do not have much interest in the topic of appearance, he continued to ask:
  “别的理由呢?” "Other reasons?"
  “和你的工作差不多。你不喜欢这样的房间吗?” "And you are almost. You do not like this room? "
  这么说着,宗介环视着肮脏的审讯室——散布着血迹、牙齿和指甲的房间。 So speak, in a dirty look around-the trial chamber - the spread of blood, teeth and nail room.
  痛苦的痕迹。 Pain marks. 暴力的气息。 Violence atmosphere.
  不是假装出来的,真真正正的那些东西。 By pretending not really those things.
  “斗技场的比赛只是体育运动。虽然有喷射燃料的刺激臭,但是哪儿也没有血和硝烟的气味。” "Contending the technology field is sports competitions. Although jet fuel smell stimulation, but not where the smell of blood and smoke. "
  “难道说你就把那个作为理由吗?” "Did you hear that as a reason?"
  “我认为足够了吧?” "I think enough?"
  于是署长全身摇晃着笑了起来。 Therefore the Director General of shaking laughter again. 松垮垮的肉微微地震颤着,紫色的嘴唇的缝隙间一阵阵漏出抽筋般的笑声。 Parmalat collapse of the meat slightly earthquake Zhanzhao, purple lips gap between bursts of laughter as foul cramp.
  “看来你多半是属于第二类呢。好像对自己的身手有相当的自信的样子哦。” "It seems you are mostly belong to the second category it. Like their skill with considerable confidence appearance oh. "
  “告诉我答案。” "Tell me the answer."
  “有意思。太有意思了。还真被你给说动了。可是——你可是什么后台也没有。到结束‘内部比赛’取得信任为止,那个法国人的性命就先由我们保管吧。你可以回去了。‘相良宗介’。” "Interesting. The interesting too. You really be said to move. But - but what your background is not. To the end of 'internal competition' in trust, that the lives of the French first we kept it. You can back. 'Phase-in referrals'. "
  只说了这句话,署长离开了审讯室。 Only this remark, the Director left the interrogation room.

  虽然把雷蒙放着自己走掉很不好意思,但是这种情况下也是什么办法都没有。 Although Raimundo with their bosses am sorry, but this situation is not what solutions. 宗介在离开警察局之前,适当地看着给了其中一个警官大约50美元,嘱咐他“好好对待牢房里的那个法国人。以后还会给同样多的钱作为谢礼”。 In referrals before leaving the police station, where appropriate, to watch one of the police officers about 50 dollars, he asked "the good treatment of the cells that French. This would give the same amount of money as Xie. "
  从警察局出来刚走了一会儿,就听见了娜美的声音。 Left out from the police station for a while, I heard the voice of the US-Na.
  “宗介?” "In the referral?"
  横穿过布满尘埃的车道,娜美跑了过来。 Across the driveway full of dust, the US-Na run over. 已经知道被逮捕的事情了吧。 Know what was arrested instead. 好像一直束手无策地在警察局斜对面的粗糙的小咖啡馆里杀时间的样子。 It has been helpless in the police station opposite the ramp Rough small cafes kill time appearance.
  “怎么样了?雷蒙老爷呢?” "How kind? Raimundo overlords? "
  “还在里面。跟署长谈了谈我才能出来的。” "Still inside. With Director of the I can talk about themselves. "
  “署长……那个冷血的恶棍?为什么只是‘谈了谈’就能让你出来?……呃,怎么回事,好臭啊。” "Director ... that cold-blooded villain? Why is' talks about 'can you? ... Uh, how differently Haochou ah. "
  娜美一边抽着鼻子,一边作出极度难受的表情。 Na US side chain nose, while extremely painful to face.
  “回旅馆去吧。在那儿把事情说明白了。” "Go back to the hotel. To put things in there that understand. "
  两个人打了出租车,回到了雷蒙的旅馆。 Two people to the taxi, returned to the hotel Raimundo. 痛痛快快洗了一个澡,换上干净的T恤,一口气喝干了一瓶冰镇矿泉水。 Thoroughly wash a shower, put on a clean T-shirt, a bottle of iced breath Hean mineral water.
  那期间,娜美一直盘着腿坐在沙发上,绷着脸目不转睛地盯着房间里的电视,一副心神不宁的样子。 During that period, the United States has set a Na legs sitting on the sofa, staring back at shrine room television, in a disturbing way.
  “……好啦?到底发生了什么事?” "... Well? In the end what happened? "
  “咱们随便地赢得太过了。好像触怒了他们那帮人。” "We both were too easily won. They seemed to irritate those people were. "
  坐在对面的沙发上,宗介说道。 Sitting on the sofa opposite, in the referral said.
  “以雷蒙和你今后的人身安全为人质,要求咱们打假比赛。还有,决定了要在暗黑格斗赛里出场。” "Raimundo and your future for the personal safety of the hostages, asked the crackdown of our game. Also, the decision to Diablo played game during the fighting. "
  “什么?” "What?"
  一直神经质地不停抖动的娜美的脚,啪地一下停了下来。 Neuroticism has been non-stop dithering and the United States Na feet, and the selected stop down.
  “你啊,知道你说的那是什么比赛吗?虽然在同行之间变成了传闻,但是不管谁也不会真的出场的。因为无论有多少条命也不够用呀。无论怎么说,那不是使用实弹,打真正的战斗吗?” "You ah, you know what it is that the game? While peer into a rumor, but no matter who is not really out of. Because no matter how many lives not enough oh. Regardless of how that it is not the use of live ammunition, a real battle? "
  “好像是哪。” "Which is like."
  “用我的那台机体?” "The Taiwan with my body?"
  “是这么定的。” "Is so determined."
  “别开玩笑了!根本没有认真打仗的道理吧?别说火器管制系统什么的打从捡回来的时候就没碰过,装甲也是破破烂烂的呀。从运营方那边来话让打假比赛的话,这我还能理解。偶尔也听到过那样的传闻。但是暗黑格斗赛就不同了。像我们这种队伍,会被强制参赛什么的,迄今为止也没听说过!” "Do not joke! There is no serious reason to go to war? Never mind what the firearms control system with everything from no time to gather met, the armor is worn oh. Operating from side to side so the competition for match fixing, I can understand this. As occasionally heard the rumor. But Diablo's fighting is different. teams like this we will be compelled to participating in what so far has heard that! "
  “说得也是。” "Is right."
  “那你为什么接受了?你想死的话那随便,可是最重要的机体被打烂了,我的立场要怎么办?” "Why do you accept that? If you want to die that easily, but the most important body has been broken, how should I stand? "
  “那是……” "That was ..."
  用毛巾一下下地擦着头发,宗介沉默了。 Shimoji with a towel beneath the hair, were referred silent.
  要说出实话吗。 To tell the truth?.
  还是说,要就此收手呢。 Or that have to be at hand.
  从警察局出来的时候起就一直感到迷惑的这个问题,不得不得出适当的结论了。 From the police station by the time that has been confusing the issue, to draw the appropriate conclusions.
  特意想要参加暗黑格斗赛这种事,娜美她们是不会乖乖服从的吧。 Specifically want to participate Diablo's fighting this, the US-Na but they will not submit to this. 那种事情,就连宗介也想象得到。 Such things, even in referrals also imagine that.
  “因为雷蒙被抓为人质,不得已才同意出场的。” "Because Raimundo were taken hostage they had agreed to the out."
  这么告诉她们,然后只要再设法解决资金问题的话,能说服得了也说不一定。 So tell them, and then only to try to solve the funding problems, had to convince also said not necessarily.
  在这里的几个星期,和娜美一起生活,也知道了她是个非常善良的人。 Here in a few weeks, and the US-na live together and know that she is a very kind-hearted person. 虽说如此,但她是否足以信赖,能否成为自己的伙伴,那还是很难说。 Although the case, but whether she can trust, they can become a partner, it is hard to say.
  但是,却突然回想起来。 However, it suddenly learned.
  “我不想什么都不知道,就这么死掉。” "I do not know nothing, so die."
  那个时候常盘恭子的话,那双含泪的眼瞳,始终未曾离开过他的脑海。 At that time the 1603-1867 regular set, the tears Getting her badly, always never left his mind.
  真是丢脸。 It disgrace. 本来在近半天前,还顺利地向着什么感觉都没有的精密机械接近的。 Originally nearly half ago, the smooth feeling towards what is not precision machinery close. 各种各样的事情,环境,都在动摇着自己的心。 All sorts of things, the environment, shaken in their hearts. 这样下去,还能达成得了自己的“作战目标”吗? Such continue, but also had reached its "operational targets?"
  不知道。 Do not know.
  大概过了有几十秒钟吧。 There are probably a few dozen seconds off it. 一直非常耐心地等着他说话的娜美,突然开口说道。 Have been very patiently waiting for him to speak Na America, suddenly opening said.
  “算计得怎么样了?” "How calculated?"
  “…………” "... ..."
  “我说啊。那个,在钱的问题上我可能是比较斤斤计较。虽然会被人叫成守财奴,但我觉得那也是没办法。但是呢?我和你,真的只是那种商业关系?不挑着词儿说话不行?” "I said, ah. Well, the money issue is more likely to haggle over every ounce me. Although people will be called into Scrooge, but I think that is no alternative. But? You and I really just kind of commercial relations? Words like what label is not okay? "
  “?” "?"
  娜美从沙发上探出身,用大大的眼睛望着因为不明白她的意思而扬起脸来的宗介。 Na America Exploration descent from the sofa, watching with big eyes because she did not understand the meaning and Yangqilian referred to the cases.
  “……那倒也不是。” "... It is not."
  “至少,我觉得我们也算得上是朋友了吧。我说错了吗?” "At least, I think we also regarded as a friend instead. I say something wrong? "
  从圆领背心里面隐隐透出的胸前的那条山谷,径直地向他逼了过来。 T-vest looming ahead from the inside wall coming out of the valley felt, to try to force him over. 发觉自己不由得为之怦然心动的时候,宗介突然觉得自己想那么多实在是太蠢了。 He could not help but find that it can resist when suddenly feel that they were simply referred to is a lesson. (^///^) (^///^)
  什么精密机械。 What precision machinery. 什么作战目标。 What combat targets.
  不是以前就学到了的事情吗。 Not before it learned a thing. 归根到底自己只是个人类,是充满矛盾的存在。 Their final analysis, only individual category is full of contradictions exist. 那个事实,无论怎样也是逃离不了的。 That fact, no matter what is to flee them.
  所以,才会这么辛苦。 So, will be so hard.
  把视线从眼前那光滑柔软的肌肤上移开,宗介说道: The immediate attention from the smooth, soft skin removed, said referrals were:
  “也是呢。那我就说了。” "It is. Then I say, a. "
  (插花:其实,作为男人,宗介真的很有福气……而且我觉得他有看到别人胸部的天赋,小要,泰莎,娜美……我汗。不过,为什么你看到那个才会下决心说啊……宗介你也越来越色了……) (Floral arrangement: In fact, as men, were referred to a date, really ... but I think he has chest others see the talent, to small, Tessa, Na America ... I Khan. However, why would you see that ah ... determined that you were referred more color ... )
  还不如索性对这位新“朋友”毫无保留地招了算了。 If this right is not simply new "friends" just a move unreservedly. 要是不能取得理解的话,到时候的事情到时候再说。 If we fail to understand the case, to the time when things to say.
  “暗之格斗赛的事情,是我向署长要求的。” "The fighting's dark matter, I request to the Director."
  听到这话,娜美的眼睛都瞪圆了。 Hear this, the US-Na's the eyes.
  “原本对于我来说,那才是目的。斗技场的比赛,要说成是为了接近运营方的暗部的手段也不为过。在佣兵的同伴们之间听到过传闻,实战水平的暗黑格斗赛。估计‘汞合金’可能与之有关。” "For me, originally, it is the purpose. Technical Field Bucket game, say 10% is operating close to the dark side of the means to not be overemphasized. In between shots companions heard rumors, the level of actual combat fighting Diablo's. Estimated 'amalgam' may be related. "
  “‘汞……合金’?” " '... Alloy mercury'?"
  “是某个组织的名称。与恐怖组织和军事产业复合体有着很深的联系,在世界各地导演着纷争。这几年间重大的恐怖事件,到处都有‘汞合金’在干预。” "Is the name of an organization. With terrorist organizations and the military industrial complex has deep ties throughout the world director of disputes. This years major terrorist incidents everywhere 'amalgam' intervention. "
  “等……等等。喂喂……” "... And so on. Furthermore ... "
  话题突然之间变得如此规模庞大,娜美脸上浮现出夹杂着困惑的笑容。 Topic suddenly become so large, Na emerge from the US faces a perplexing mixture of smiles.
  “有个一直与‘汞合金’作战的极密的佣兵部队。以采用超前于时代的先进装备,以及和正规军的特种部  队同等级的训练度为自豪。我是那个部队的生还者。” "One with the 'amalgam' combat troops drawn very close. Ahead of the times to use the advanced equipment, as well as special forces and regular army with the level of training of pride. I was that the survivors. "
  “我……我是不太明白,可是,那个,要说你所在的佣兵部队的话,现在怎么了?” "I ... I do not quite understand, but that, say where you are hoping forces, now how?"
  “被‘汞合金’消灭了。” " 'Amalgam' eliminated."
  “…………” "... ..."
  “‘汞合金’虽然拥有相当的战斗力,却是个正体不明的组织。都有什么人,在哪里,与什么有关,能得知的手段几乎就没有。唯一极少数的线索,就是南桑的这条街与AS的暗之格斗赛了。我的部队迄今为止,曾经数度击破过‘汞合金’的AS,回收的尸体里,能够确定身份的操纵兵中,有好几人都曾经在南桑这里做过选手。” " 'Amalgam' Although a considerable combat power, it is a body is unknown organization. What people have, where and what related to the means that almost no. Only a very small number of clues, this is the South Street and the AS's the secret of the fighting. My troops Up today, made several breaks off 'amalgam' AS, recovered the body, to determine the identity of manipulation soldiers, several people have done here in the South's. "
  “那……” "That ..."
  “难以置信吗?” "Unbelievable?"
  他用最最认真的表情回望着对方。 He used the expression's largest seriously looked at each other back. 可是就算这样,娜美还是一副半信半疑的样子,一动不动地凝视着宗介。 But even so, the US-Na or a hearing appearance, and a gaze at every turn in a referral.
  “你是说真的吗?” "You are talking about really?"
  “肯定。” "Certainty."
  “啊……虽然也觉得你的身手并不普通……可是,那不是非常难对付的对手吗?” "Ah ... although that is not your ordinary skill ... However, it is not very formidable opponent?"
  “是啊。是非常的危险。” "Ah yes. Yes very dangerous. "
  宗介用非常理所当然的口吻说着,点了点头。 Referred to in a very natural tone Then, the first boy.
  “我想要接近‘汞合金’。那需要你的协助。” "I want to close 'amalgam'. It needs your help. "
  “…………!” "... ...!"
  接下来就是再正常不过的反应了。 Next is the normal response.
  娜美气疯了般地喊着“别开玩笑了”,掀翻了桌子,乱喊一通“随便去打你一个人的战争吧”,把手中的保特瓶砸向他,怒吼着“不要第二次出现在我的面前”,离开了旅馆的房间。 Na-crazy America swiftly shouting "Do not joke," overturned a desk, a signatory on "a person you casually fight the war." To the hands-bottles obliterating him, roars of "not in my second occurs before," left the hotel room.
  娜美并没有恶意。 Na America and not malicious.
  这反应实在是太理所当然了。 This reaction is a natural too.
  (果然,还是不行吗。) (Sure enough, or will not do it.)
  宗介发出深深的叹息,开始清扫被弄得乱七八糟的房间。 In a deep sigh referral, get started sweeping the mess room. 一边试着询问自己,在被娜美抛弃的这种状态下,还能够置办得到机体吗? While trying to ask ourselves, in the United States Na abandoned under such conditions, but also can be Acquisition body?
  想不到合适的门路。 Unexpectedly, the right pathway.
  接下来,该怎么办好呢。 Next, how good it. 一边想着各种各样的事情,一边把垃圾收拾好。 While thinking about all kinds of things, the good side to clean up the garbage. 这时候,房间的门铃响了。 This time, the room door buzzer.
  (…………?) (... ...?)
  开门一看,是娜美。 An open, the US-Na. 带着一脸不高兴的表情,抬头盯着宗介。 Unhappy with the look of expression, staring at the rise in referrals.
  “虽然一开始听的时候是有点接受不了……” "While listening to a start time is not quite acceptable ..."
  她半嘟着嘴说。 She said her half.
  “你很困扰吧?” "You nuisance?"
  “啊啊。” "Ah."
  “需要我的帮忙?” "I need the help?"
  “……肯定。” "... Sure."
  宗介老老实实地这么说道。 Such referrals were honestly said. 娜美突然放松了肩膀的力量,握紧拳头,一下敲在宗介的胸口上。 Na suddenly relaxed shoulders of the US forces, tight fists, in the cases referred to knock on the chest.
  “我懂了。就稍微奉陪你一下吧。” "I understand the. Slightly on you to take it on it. "
  “可以吗?” "Can be?"
  “雷蒙老爷还在牢房里呢。而且,比赛费本身不是很高吗?” "Raimundo overlords, it is still cells. Moreover, the game itself is not very high fees? "
  “啊,那倒是。” "Ah, that is quite correct."
  “只不过,千万不要期待太高啰。因为还不知道能不能说服得了队员们呢。要是大家说‘NO’的话,那就果然还是‘NO’哟。” "But should not expect too 1,10. Because not know had to convince the players it. If you say 'NO', it really is' NO 'yo. "
  “了解。” "Know."

  娜美似乎也真的拥有相应的超凡魅力。 Na America seems to really have the corresponding charismatic. “石弓”的整备队员们最终还是答应参加暗黑格斗赛了。 "Shi Gong" by the whole team eventually agreed to participate in the Diablo's fighting. 虽然也有好几个人表示反对,可是经娜美说明雷蒙被当作人质,而且宗介的身手也不是泛泛之辈的事情之后,最后还是勉勉强强地同意了。 Although several people have expressed opposition, but the United States said Mengleimeng Na was as a hostage, but were referred to the general skill is not what the generation after the end Mian strong reluctance to agree.
  第二天的傍晚,署长的使者来到他们的整备场,这样告诉他们。 The evening of the second day, the Director of emissaries to them by the entire field, so tell them.
  “星期六的二十一点。在那之前到姆那麦拉北边的某个教会遗址来。当然也要带着机体一起。” "Saturday's 21:00. Before that, the Shots to Gayoom north to the ruins of a church. Of course together with the body. "
  姆那麦拉是在南桑北边差不多二十公里远的地方,靠公路边的一个小村庄。 Shots that Gayoom is in the north, the South almost 20 miles away, on the highway while a small village.
  绝不能在南桑市内发射实弹——就算只是一发也能吹飞一辆卡车的AS用40毫米弹的吧。 The city never fired live ammunition in the South - even if only in one blow can fly a truck with 40-mm shells AS this. 暗之格斗赛的会场,似乎设在了南桑郊外,某个人迹罕至的山岳地带里的样子。 The fighting's dark room, it seems located in the South suburbs, some done by the appearance in the mountain areas.
  “还有就是不许迟到。拘留所里的朋友说不定会有各种各样的不方便喔。” "There are late is not allowed. The detention center in a wide range of friends may be inconvenient oh. "
  署长的使者传达了这些话之后,就离开了他们的整备场。 Director of the emissary conveyed these words before they left for the entire field.
  “先生也真可怜。不要在牢房里变得神经衰弱,还被人打烂了屁股就好了。” "Mr. really pathetic. Not in the cells become neurasthenia, who also smashed a nice ass. "
  娜美一边麻利地将白色“野蛮人”的控制箱解体,一边嘟哝道。 Na US side pressed to be white "barbarians" the disintegration of the control box while Claire Road. 在旁边给她打下手的宗介说: Next to her in the cases referred Hadley said:
  “事先已经多少给过看守一些打点了。” "Prior to the number already runs some of the guard."
  “那要是能管点儿用就好了。……哎,把那边的配电盘也一起拆下来吧。没关系。” "If it can be used like a little tube. ... Hey, the distribution side of the disc removed come together. Okay. "
  娜美捅了捅与火器管制系统相连的回路。 Na US Tongletong firearms control system linked to the circuit.
  “行了吗?” "OK?"
  “嗯。反正Flbn-32大概横竖也是不管用了吧。那样的话,用自制的软件来使负担减轻会比较好。” "Ah. Anyway, the Upright Flbn-32 is probably not be all right. As if self-made software to reduce the burden will be relatively good. "
  “自制的软件?” "Homemade software?"
  “是我为了暗之格斗赛而改写的哟。花了整整一个上午呢。我对那种事情可不拿手啦,真是不得了啊~~~” "I was fighting to the dark and rewrite the yo's. Spent an entire morning this. I may at right kind of things up, it is incredible ah ~ ~ ~ "
  宗介停下手中的工作,凝视着娜美的笑脸。 In the hands of the stop-work, gazing Na America faces.
  “只用了一上午?一个人改写那个火器管制系统的软件吗?” "In just over one morning? A rewrite that firearms control system software? "
  就宗介所知,那绝对不是能几个小时就完成的作业。 The cases referred to understand, it is not able to complete several hours of operation. 那应该是即使接受过相应训练的优秀的技术员,也要好几个人一起,慢慢地花上几天,一边就发现的问题进行对话一边着手进行——这样好不容易才能完成的工作。 That should be even received the corresponding training outstanding technician, but also several people together, slowly spend days on the side of the problems discovered in a dialogue to proceed with the side - this is not easy to complete the work. 就算再怎么搞错,也不是没受过专门教育的十六、七岁的小女孩都能掌握得了的东西。 Even how you kidding again, nor those with special education 16, the seven-year-old girl could have won things.
事实上,宗介在阿富汗的时候,也曾经和几个本是工科学生的游击队员一起,将同型的“野蛮人”的软件鼓捣过一个遍,但是到能弄出正经的东西为止,也花了好几个月的时间。 In fact, the cases referred to in Afghanistan, and also had several of the guerrillas is with the engineering students will be the same type of "barbarians" software over a hill times, but can come to serious things, also spent several months time. (插花:那么说来,他那时不是才10岁么……宗介,其实你也是天才……) (Flower arranging: Well said, he was not the only 10-year-old Mody ... were referred, in fact, you are genius ...)
  “从以前开始就很用功吧?” "From the very beginning previous hard?"
  “怎么可能嘛。只不过偶尔弄一下而已啦。” "How could the same. But only up to the occasional loss. "
  “只是那样的话,肯定是没办法的。那种技能到底是在哪儿——” "Just as it is certainly not the way. That is where skills in the end - "
  “所——以——啦!” "- -!"
  娜美不耐烦地挥着手。 Na US impatience to waving hands.
  “我不是说了我不拿手了嘛。可是,稍微接触一下的话,我觉得大体上也能明白啦。也不是什么特别大不了的事情吧?” "I am not saying that I was not at the same. However, a little exposure to the case, I think that generally can understand up. What is not something serious? "
  不可能。 Impossible.
  感觉到说不出的心悸,宗介接着询问道: Unable to feel the palpitations, were referred to then asked:
  “究竟,你是从谁那儿学到这台机体的整备方法的?” "What you learn there who is from Taiwan this approach by the entire body?"
  “?” "?"
  娜美停下手头的工作,用一种打从心底觉得不可思议般的眼神看着宗介。 Na America stop the task in hand, from the bottom of my heart with a play like that incredible eyes were watching referral.
  “没从谁那儿学呀?” "No there who learn from the way?"
  “那,为什么——” "That, why -"
  “可是,这里弄弄那里弄弄的话不就会了吗?也不知道为什么。” "However, this table there will not table it? Do not know why. "
  绝对不可能有那种事情。 What kind of thing is absolutely impossible. 就算是第二世代型,要将AS的系统理解并运用到这个程度,也绝对是需要相应的训练的。 Even second-generation, AS to understand and use the system to this extent, and there is a corresponding need to be trained.
  完全没有工学知识的小姑娘,也没有从任何人那里学习过,根本就不可能做得到。 Absolutely no knowledge of the girl, nor from any person where learning is simply impossible to do.
  难道说,她也是……? Could it be said that she is ...?
  不,那样的偶然是不可能的。 No, as the accidental is impossible. “那个”的存在概率,别说是几万分之一,几百万分之一,或者甚至还在那以下。 "That" the existence of probability, let alone several ten thousandth several millionth, or even following that. “那个”会如此偶然地和自己相遇,那种事—— "That" so casual and he met that matter --
  “你在发什——么呆呀?” "You even in the - Mody spent way?"
  听到娜美这句话,宗介猛地回过神来了。 US-Na heard this remark referred suddenly in the path.
  “别在那儿呆站着。快点把那边的火花塞拆下来啦。” "Do not stay standing there. The spark plug quickly to the other side! Removed. "
  “啊啊。” "Ah."
  心里残留着解不开的疑惑,宗介回到了“野蛮人”的整备作业中。 The inextricably heart residual doubts, were referred to the "barbarians" by the entire operations.

  那个星期六,傍晚时分—— That Saturday evening --
  宗介他们用租来的大型拖车载着“野蛮人”,离开南桑,向姆那麦拉开去。 They were referred to rent a large trailer loaded with "barbarians" from the South, to which Mr started to Gayoom. 公路的路面由于战争而变得伤痕累累,也没有好好修理过。 Highway road injuries because of the war and become rich, nor too good repair. 路幅也很窄,AS用的拖车每次和对面开来的车错车时都极其痛苦。 Road site also very narrow, with the AS trailers each and open to the opposite mistake when the cars are extremely painful.
  道路的东侧是一片开阔的水田,西侧是阔叶林覆盖的山岳地带。 The road east of paddy field is a broad, broad-leaved forest is the west side of the mountain zone coverage. 单调的风景一成不变地延续着。 Monotonous simply carried on the scenery. 或许是由于干旱期的关系,空气也一直很干燥,拖车掀起的尘埃使视野变得相当糟糕。 Perhaps because of the drought, the air has been very dry, trailers set off the dust that vision has become very bad.
  到达指定的教会遗址的时候,已经有几个武装的警官在那里等着了。 The church arrived at the designated sites, has several armed officers were there waiting. 就是南桑的那群人。 The South is a group of people. 虽然赶上了约定的时间,他们还是举着来复枪,用冰冷的声音告诉宗介他们“等着吧。” Although caught up with the agreement of the time, they held a rifle, with the voices of the cold - they were told, "waiting for it."
  差不多过了三十分钟,署长坐着直升飞机来了。 After almost 30 minutes, sitting helicopter to the Director. 涡轮喷气发动机发出刺耳的轰鸣声,直升飞机降落在了教会前面的空地上。 Turbojet a deafening roar of the helicopter landed in the open space at the front of the church.
  从飞机上下来的署长,盯着宗介的脸左看右看,脸上再一次浮现出那种下流的笑容。 Plane down from the Director, staring at the face of referral Zuokanyoukan, his face once again emerged from that nasty smile. (|||) (|||)
  “请先在这里搭乘机体吧。” "Please take the body it here."
  署长说道。 The Director said.
  “相良宗介,你到西北方向两公里的遗迹去。那儿就是这次的‘斗技场’。其他的人就请老老实实地呆在这里吧。” "Phase-in referrals, you two kilometers to the northwest to trace. This is where the 'bucket technical field'. Other people, please stay here it honestly. "
  “哈啊?离现场那么远的话,连无线电指示都没办法直接做啦!?你这到底——” "Ah ah? So far away from the scene so that even radio instructions did not directly do! ? You in the end - "
  警官们对正想抗议的娜美她们举起了卡宾枪。 Officers exactly right to protest the US-Na they raised a carbine.
  “——您说得太对了。好精彩的指挥呀。哦呵呵呵……” "- You are too right. Oh wonderful good command. Ea huh ... "
  “那就好。小姑娘。” "Would be good. Girl. "
  署长说着,走向了比直升飞机稍后抵达现场的小型货车。 Director Then, later went to the helicopter arrived on the scene than the vans. 在他背后,宗介发问道: Behind him, the cases referred to ask:
  “在哪里观战?” "Where match?"
  “有特定的地方。你没必要知道。” "There are specific places. You do not need to know. "
  “是吗。我是想提醒你们小心流弹的。” "Is it right. I would like to remind you to the stray bullets. "
  署长在车前停下,哼地喷了一下鼻子。 Former Director of cars stopped to sing out of the nose spray.
  “用不着你来担心。把重要的客人暴露在危险中,那种事情根本就不会有的。” "You do not need to worry about. The important guests exposed to the risk, that kind of thing simply does not have. "
  “那么,就让我毫无顾虑地胡闹一番吧。” "Well, let me not to worry about it a farce."
  宗介走向白色的“野蛮人”,同时,署长坐进了车子。 White referred to in the "barbarians", while the Director of got into the car.

  首先,启动辅助动力装置,接着为主要的电子设备输入能量。 First, start auxiliary power unit, and then for the major electronic equipment imported energy. 初期检查完成之后,再开动主动力装置——大约1200马力的柴油发动机。 After the completion of the initial inspection and then activate the initiative of the device - about 1,200 horsepower diesel engines.
  高鸣的引擎声。 Gao Ming engine sound.
  驱动系统的呻吟。 The drive system groaning.
  解除操纵系统的安全装置,脚慢慢地移动,宗介的“野蛮人”站了起来。 Lifting the control system safety devices, feet moving slowly, in the referral "barbarians" stood up.
  油压很正常。 Oil normal. 肌肉束也一样是新品。 Beam is the same muscle is new. 多亏花了三天时间进行的充分整备,机体的状态现在非常良好。 Thanks spent three days preparing for the full whole, the state of the body is very good now.
  “我走了。” "I have taken that."
  打开刚刚修好的外部扬声器的开关,宗介对带着担心表情的娜美她们说道。 Open just repaired external speaker switch, were referred to with the United States worried that their expression of Na said. 一方面是因为机体的耳朵——也就是指向性麦克风的状态现在也是最好的吧,在画质粗糙的显示屏里,娜美在抬头看着自己,这样喊着: On the one hand, because the body ears - that is the nature of the microphone now is the best state it in the rough definition displays, Na seeing their rise in the United States, such cried:
  “小心点!”(这居然是娜美对宗介说的最后一句话啊啊啊啊啊啊啊……5555555) "Careful!" (This is actually the case referred to the US-Na said the final word ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ... 5555555)
  “啊啊。” "Ah."
  只说了这句话,宗介操纵机体跑了起来。 This statement only said, in the run-up manipulation of the body. 在干燥的泥土上每踏出一步,钝钝的冲击震动着机体,沙尘四处飞扬。 In dry soil every step taken, blunt blunt the impact of a body vibration, dust emissions 4. 拨开郁郁葱葱繁茂的树木,笔直地向西北方跑去。 Exuberance lift the green and luxuriant trees and went straight to the north west. 那附近是一片起伏得相当剧烈的丘陵地带。 Near it is a very dramatic ups and downs in the hilly areas.
  一边驾驶着白色“野蛮人”,一边对各个系统进行检查。 While driving a white "barbarians" on the side of all systems to be checked. 这台机体迄今为止从来没有使用过的系统,更是特别的重点。 Taiwan so far this body has never used the system, is a special focus. 刚刚换装上的光学传感器,以及火器管制系统。 Just aircraft on the optical sensor, and the firearms control system. 携带火器目前还没有。 There was no carry firearms. 虽然和“秘银”时代的装备相比起来的话,现在这个是相当靠不住—— Although "Mithril" When compared with the era of the equipment, now this is quite unreliable --
  (本来,就应该是这种东西。) (Originally, it is the sort of thing.)
  就算是这样,也已经可以说是强了很多了。 If so, can be said to have also been a lot of the strong. 过去,自己最初搭乘的同型“野蛮人”,与现在这台机体相比起来,状态还要糟糕得多。 The past, with its first board of "barbarians", and now this organism compared to Taiwan, but also much worse state.
  用余光扫视着数字地图上的显示,抵达了指定的地点。 By Yu Saccade digital map display, arrived at the designated location.
  那里是一座古老的寺院的遗迹。 There is an ancient temple relics.
  崩塌了的石制墙面上,密密麻麻地爬绕着无数与人脚掌差不多大小的常春藤,仿佛在蠕动着似的。 The collapse of the stone walls, and crawl around the corner of countless people with feet almost the size of ivy seem to creep in like. 大  概是在比较近的战斗中被破坏的吧,一座从腰部附近齐刷刷地折断了的神像边上,放置着一把AS用的三五毫米步枪。 Probably the more recent fighting in the destroyed it, a fine from the waist near the statue to the edge of the fracture, in a place with AS the March 5 mm rifles.
  BK-540。 BK-540.
  有些类似于人类用的AK突击步枪的外观,是标准的AS用携带火器。 Some similar to the human AK assault rifles with the appearance of AS is the standard used to carry firearms. 在它旁边,还放了两个步枪用的预备弹匣,和两个接近战用的武器——HEAT锤子。 Next to it, also took two rifles with the preparatory Magazine, and nearly two weapons used in warfare - HEAT hammer.
  “欢迎来到‘真正的斗技场’,‘石弓’。” "Welcome to the 'real fighting skills Field', 'Dan Gong'."
  从预先设定好的无线波段中传来了声音。 From the pre-set band of wireless transmits the voice. 是署长。 Yes Director.
  “放在那里的就是你的武器。随便用吧。” "There is in your arms. Casual use it. "
  宗介操作通信仪器,探测着电波的发信源。 In-operation communication apparatus, the detection of radio waves sent sources. 也使用了旧式的红外线传感器。 Also use the old infrared sensors. 不过,果然还是不知道署长他们在哪里。 However, it was still not aware of where they Director. 各种各样方便的声纳啦、超广带域的雷达啦之类的,都是只有“秘银”的AS上才允许使用的奢侈装备。 Sonar up various convenient, ultra-wide band radar domain up like, are only "Mithril" AS, allows the use of luxury equipment.
  要找署长和其他的VIP客人们可能会在的场所的话,似乎只能稍后了。 Find the Director and other VIP guests will be in the place, it would seem that only the later. 首先,要先打倒敌人。 First, the first defeat the enemy.
  “还真是值得庆幸啊。” "Fortunately, ah really is."
  宗介让“野蛮人”跪下,拾起武器和弹匣,将装备挂在腰部和后背上的外挂点上,静静地自言自语道 Cases referred to the "barbarians" knees, picked up arms and Magazine, will be equipped and linked to the waist after pieces on the back, quietly turned Road
  “那么。今晚的对手在哪里?” "Well. Tonight's opponent Where? "
  “就在你眼前哟。操纵兵在笑着呢。” "Just before you yo. The soldiers smiled and manipulate it. "
  “?” "?"
  他和“野蛮人”所在的遗迹里,除了小动物的反应以外,就什么也没有了。 He and his "barbarians" of the relics, in addition to the response of small animals, nothing is gone. 跪在石铺的地面上的他的机体——其正面也是一样,没有任何反应。 Kneeling on the ground in the hole of his body - its positive is the same, no response.
  光学传感器也是。 Optical sensors. 红外线传感器也是。 Infrared sensors.
  不—— Not --
  如果是采用完全密闭式的驾驶舱的AS的话,是不会发觉的吧。 If it is completely closed-cockpit AS it is not going to find this. 但是宗介所搭乘的旧式“野蛮人”就不同了。 But the board referred to in the old "barbarians" is different. 从装甲转折的地方形成的机体的缝隙处,以及几个通气孔中,外面空气的气味流了进来。 Turning from the local armored formation of the body slot, and several air vents, the odor outside air flow coming.
那种令人怀念的,熟悉的臭氧的臭味刚一撩过鼻孔,他立刻就醒悟到那里有“什么东西”了。 That miss is familiar with the smell of ozone just Yiliao the nostrils, he immediately realized that there is "nothing."
  大气动摇了。 Atmospheric shaken.
  “!!” ! " ! "
  马上移动手脚,“野蛮人”就像失去意识般缓慢地、仰面朝天地向后跳了出去。 Immediately mobile limbs, "barbarians" like lost consciousness as slow, backward attack North Korea jumped out of heaven and earth. (这不是我翻译的问题,就是那么写的,因为那台机体就算是“快”也和慢差不多……|||) (This is not my translation problem, it is that to write, because the body if Taiwan is "fast" is also slow and almost ... | | |)
  金属的悲鸣声。 Metal sound defeat.
  从空无一物的空中突然出现的锐利的刀刃,仿佛要将“野蛮人”的胸部装甲削掉一般,在空中描绘出一道弧线。 From the empty air of a sudden appearance of a sharp blade, as if to "barbarians" in the chest armored cut general in the air depict an arc.
  那是—— That is --
  “单分子刀!?” "Single Molecule knife! ? "
  转了一圈取得受身(受身:柔道技巧,一种被摔倒也不会的受伤的方法。但是……我描述不出来……|||)的同时,宗介将机体的步枪举向正面。 Turning circle made by the body (the body: judo skills, a fall was not injured method. But ... I have described to them ... | | |), while cases referred to the body to give a positive rifles. 什么也没有的空间中,突然刮起了一阵暴风,扬起的沙尘里,有什么东西高高地跃向了空中。 Nothing in the room, suddenly whipped up a storm, raised the dust, anything that tall and touring the air. 居然能用眼睛追踪到那东西的目的地,可以说完全是靠宗介的经验和技能了吧。 It can use eye tracking things go destination, it can be said entirely on cases referred by the experience and skills instead. 可说是惊人的跳跃力。 That is staggering jumping. 在崩塌的寺院遗迹的正殿的塔根部,“那个”着地了。 The collapse of the temple ruins of the temple tower roots, "that" the board.
  “野蛮人”或者“丛林法兰绒”之类的二代AS的话,是跳不到那里的。 "Barbarians" or "jungle hat," the second-generation category AS it is not where the jump. 无论操纵兵有什么样的技能,也是绝对做不出那种跳跃的。 Both soldiers are manipulating what kind of skills, that is absolutely can not make the leap.
  那么,在那座寺院上着地的敌人是什么呢。 Then, in the temple of the enemy, what is it. 眼睛看不见的,准备好如此恐怖的奇袭的对手,到底是什么东西呢。 Invisible eyes, ready for such terror attack opponents, in the end what it is.
  “已经注意到了吗?” "We have noticed?"
  署长说道。 The Director said.
  被数百年的岁月侵蚀得残破不堪的神灵的居处。 By a few hundred years of erosion in the dilapidated years the Home Office spirits. 在它的顶端,磷火在一闪一闪地跳动着。 At its top, crazy, crazy Authorities in the beating. 青色的光芒宛如纱帐般飘荡,在那光芒的对面,出现了一台AS的身影。 Cyan shine like a Miaozhang as Drifting, in the light of the opposite, a Taiwan AS appeared on the scene.
  一闪而过的,极其敏捷的侧影。 He had crazy, extremely agile silhouette.
  令人联想到战斗机驾驶员头盔的头部。 Lenovo is the fighter pilot helmet on the head.
  “M9……?” "... 200600?"
  以仿佛漂浮着诗情一般的,美丽的月夜为背景,现身出来的那台AS。 Poetry seems to float general, the beautiful moonlight night as the background, it appeared from Taiwan AS.
  那台机体——M9“卡恩兹巴克”,慢慢地摆着架势,低头望着宗介那不像样的机体。 The Taiwan body - 200600 "Kaencibake" posture them slowly, bow-it is not looked at in a decent body.

————————————让我吃掉语法书吧分界线—————————————— ------------ Let me eat grammar book line --------------
这一话有点难,所以语法书几乎被我翻烂掉………… If this somewhat difficult, grammar book, I was almost turned rotten ... ...
呼………………(大喘气) Calls ... ... ... (the pant)
那么啊,我要考试了说,能不能保证两周后更新我不敢说……但是,尽可能吧! So ah, I had to test that can be guaranteed for two weeks after the update ... I dare not say, however, as far as possible! !
我写的奖学金申请被人嘲笑了……5555555 I write applications for scholarships were ridiculed ... 5555555
人家就是不会写那个嘛……………… Others write that is not the same ... ... ...
要拿第一名还比写申请书容易……不过,一边拿第一名一边翻译FMP就真是不容易了………… The first to write applications easily than ... However, the side with the first FMP on the side of the translation is not easy ... ...

最新评论 ( 点击这里查看更早的所有评论... ) Recent comments (Click here to see all the earlier comment ...)

牙牙 @ 2005-11-11 19:30 Teeth @ 2005-11-11 19:30

小道好棒! Roads excellent! ! !
好像更辛苦了,现在只有一个人了啊! It will be even tougher now, only one person ah!
永远支持你! Always support you! ! !

阿尔帕蕾斯特 @ 2005-11-12 08:05电邮: 8608490@qq.com Jakob Leishite @ 2005-11-12 08:05 Email: 8608490@qq.com

小道小姐辛苦了,现在都是在期中考试了希望你可取得好成绩`同时也希望你的翻译能继续下去。 Miss paths hard, and now are in a period of examination that you can get good results `We also hope you will continue the translation. 有个问题很想问你一下,就是什么时候,这部小说的下一部才会出来。 There is a problem really want to ask you this, what is it, the novel will be the next one out. 如果不是很麻烦请告诉我,谢谢 If not bothered to tell me, thank you

阿尔帕蕾斯特 @ 2005-11-12 08:07电邮: 8608490@qq.com Jakob Leishite @ 2005-11-12 08:07 Email: 8608490@qq.com

我是指的相良找到千鸟的大结局什么时候会有啊。 I was referring to the 1000 phase-find the birds when the outcome will be ah.

Arbalest强弩兵 @ 2005-11-12 08:17电邮: 349254745@qq.com Arbalest strong Nubing @ 2005-11-12 08:17 Email: 349254745@qq.com

楼主你要是在不更新,我看我唯一的办法就是向你求婚了。 The landlord if you are not updated, I think I only way is a yes to you. :) :)

罗依 @ 2005-11-12 11:13 According to Luo @ 2005-11-12 11:13

楼上的表催 Upstairs Table reminders

古屋刺 @ 2005-11-13 07:23电邮: 33725108@qq.com Historic houses thorn @ 2005-11-13 07:23 Email: 33725108@qq.com

小道姐,如果觉得时间紧就先把翻译放一放好了,如果因为要忙翻译而耽误了学习,我们会很过意不去的~~~ Roads sister, if that time constraints put on the first one he translated, if translated to delay busy learning, we are very sorry to ~ ~ ~

lovelycat @ 2006-01-23 11:31 Lovelycat @ 2006-01-23 11:31

ai ,哀叹,我想早点看到的, Ai, lamented, I would like to go see,

使者 @ 2006-02-02 16:20 Messenger @ 2006-02-02 16:20

相信这么翻,对你日文有帮助吧? So that turned the Japanese help you?

使者 @ 2006-02-02 16:51 Messenger @ 2006-02-02 16:51

那个程序是娜美编的吧? That procedure is part of the US-na?

Joise @ 2006-03-13 01:10电邮: josie_ada@hotmail.com Joise @ 2006-03-13 01:10 Email: josie_ada@hotmail.com

......小要啊.....你在哪里... Small to ah ..... ...... where are you ...

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