毅力冲破黑暗! Perseverance breaking the dark! 守望光明的努力屋 Watch bright housing efforts

再次分离的身, Again separation body,
挡不住终于重聚的心。 Finally reunited stop the heart.
所以神啊,请倾听我们的愿望。 So God, please listen to our wishes.
愿我们的力量化作利剑, To our swords into force,
斩断他们所有的悲伤。 Cut off all their sadness.
愿我们的力量化为烈焰, To our strength into flames
燃尽他们所有的彷徨。 Burning all their desperation.
当一切都结束的那一刻, When all concluded that moment,
愿这份爱,能成为拯救世界的曙光。 This would love to become the dawn of saving the world.

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« 上一篇: 这次不上枣了,咱们上“羊肉大餐”! «On the one: This is not the date, our own" lamb dinner! " ——MMD09话,上菜喽! -- MMD09, serving another! 下一篇: 新年就是要听相声——MMD10,赛过郭德纲! Under one: the New Year is to listen crosstalk - MMD10, played Guodegang! » »
同样在等源的小道 @ 2006-12-24 22:29 In the same source as the roads @ 2006-12-24 22:29

唔啊,各位,圣诞快乐! Well ah, you, Merry Christmas! ! ! ! ! !
我很想给大家更新做圣诞礼物,可惜,源没来…………对不起……………… I would like to update you do Christmas gifts, but the source was not there ... ... ... ... Sorry ...
……这么说起来,贴出这一话的今天,应该是圣诞前夜……也就是说,是小要和泰莎的生日吧! ... So, if this is posted today, should be Christmas Eve ... that is, to small and Tessa's birthday! 虽然不知道宗介是哪天出生的……不过,咱们就按某CLAMP的方法,对于没有生日的人,就和他最爱的人一天生日好了! Although it is not know when the case is referred born ... But, on the basis of our way of a Hunter, no birthday, and he loved the people good day birthday! (比如在《翼》里小樱就把当时失去记忆的小狼的生日定在和自己一天)这样的话,今天就是他们三个人的生日啰! (For example, in "Wings" in the patrol put the toll at memory loss birthday and set their own day) so, today is the birthday of their three personal 1,10! 哦耶! Oh Jerusalem! ! ! ! ! 大家一起来切蛋糕放烟花吧! We divide up a fireworks! 为我们最爱的这部作品的三位主人公庆生(自动忽略某雷= =b)! For our favorite heroine of this work three Qingsheng (automatic neglect of a = b = mine)! ! !
因为最近也没有更新可以打,而且很多人都说想要看第一话……所以,我就把第一话重新打了一遍,自己翻译的……如果有人想要收集小道版本的MMD,那么就请下载吧! Because no recent update fought, and many people want to see that the first words ... So, I put it to the first played again, their translation ... if someone wants to collect roads version of the MMD, then download!
这就算是小道送给各位的圣诞礼物吧! This is the track that gave Christmas gifts! (虽然不是太好……没有新连载,我也没办法嘛~~~~) (Although not too good ... no new buddies, I can do just add
感谢大家一年半来的支持! Thank you for a year and a half to support! 今后也要多多关照喔! A lot of attention to the future! !
那么,收礼物吧! Then, to gift! ! ! !
——————贴一些开头时候的彩图起头线—————————— ------ Posted at the beginning of some of the maps registered ----------

【集结的Make My Day 第一话】 【Gathering Make My Day - the first case
从巡逻的警察那里转过来的调查记录上,还到处都是空白。 From there the patrolling police turn the investigation records, there are also gaps.
精神科医生玛莎·维特扶正眼镜,重新慢慢地浏览起文件。 Psychiatrists Mashaweite Fuzheng glasses, slowly re-visit the document.
患者的姓名。 The names of patients. 外貌的特征。 Looks like characteristics. 大致的年龄。 Generally age.
这里是南旧金山的一所医院。 Here is a South San Francisco hospital.
隔着桌子与玛莎医生面对面坐着的患者,正以呆滞的眼神凝视着桌子上的一点。 Doctors across the table with Stewart sitting face-to-face with a sluggish eyes are staring at the table 1:00.
应该还是个十五岁左右的少女,但是嘴唇却干得爆皮,皮肤的光泽也消失了。 Or should a 15-year-old girl, but it did lips unexploded skin, the skin sheen also disappeared. 依照看法不同,现在看来,都像有三十岁或四十岁了也说不一定。 In accordance with different views now looks like a 30-year-old or a 40-year-old also said not necessarily. 少女身穿的肥大的蓝色T恤衫,大概是哪个警察给的吧。 The girl was wearing a blue T-shirt mast, which is probably the police to this. 长长的银灰色头发乱糟糟的,下巴和脸颊上还沾着泥污。 Long gray hair cluttered, chin and cheeks also translucent rocks.
按照最初接诊这位少女的医生的说法,她对己方的问题还是能比较清楚地回答的。 The initial reception of the girl's doctors said she capability to be able to issue more clearly answered.
玛莎先把自己的姓名和立场告诉给少女之后,用尽可能温柔的声音试着问道: Stewart put his name and position to tell the girls, as far as possible, with gentle voices trying asked:
“你叫什么名字?” "What is your name?"
“泰蕾莎……泰斯塔罗沙。” "Marie ... Taishidaluosha."
少女回答。 Girls answered.
“真是美丽的名字啊。你好,泰蕾莎。你多大了?” "It is a beautiful name ah. Hello, Marie. How you? "
“……十七。” "... 17."
“上的哪所学校?” "Which school?"
“……我没有上。” "... I did not attend."
“是吗。但是如果你穿上合适的衣服的话,一定会超受男孩子的欢迎的吧。” "Is it right. But if you wear the right clothes, the boys - will welcome this. "
少女没有表现出任何的反应。 Girls did not show any reaction. 既没有对自己这身难堪的打扮表示难为情,也没有对“男孩子”这个单词产生性的联想的样子。 Neither embarrass ourselves in front of the dress that embarrassed nor the "boys" have a word of Lenovo's appearance.
“然后……是关于你被保护的时候的情况。听说你在雷德伍德附近的高速路上光着脚走来着呢。半夜三点。就你一个人。” "Then ... you have been on the protection of the situation. You heard in the vicinity of the high-speed road Redwood walked barefoot lot, actually. The middle of the night 3:00. Your one person. "
“……是的。” "... Yes."
“有什么不愿意想起来的事情吗?” "What is not up to what?"
“……没有。” "... No."
对答也算是比较清晰。 Exchanges along these lines is also relatively clear.
但是问题是,她完全没有对自己做出任何像样的说明。 The problem is, however, was not of their making any decent explanation.
“你为什么会在那里呢?” "Why are you in there?"
“……我是被抛弃的。” "... I was abandoned."
“被谁?” "Snatch?"
“……被曾经认为是部下的人们。” "... Has been that people subordinates."
“部下?” "Subordinates?"
玛莎仔细地观察了一下泰蕾莎·泰斯塔罗沙的样子。 Stewart carefully observed the Taileishataishi waving appearance. 理所当然地,她并不是在开什么玩笑。 Naturally, she is not dead.
“呃……你说你没有上高中是吧?那所谓的‘部下’,都是些什么样的人呢?” "Uh ... you said you did not in high school, right? What has been called the 'subordinates', what are these people? "
“……是佣兵。” "... Is hot."
“佣兵?” "Mercenaries?"
“……是‘秘银’的佣兵。” "... 'Mithril' shots."
“‘秘银’?” " 'Mithril'?"
“……是以反恐怖主义和制止纷争为目的的非正式的军事组织。我以前是其中的西太平洋战队,‘丹努之子’战队的指挥官。” "... On counter-terrorism and stop disputes for the purpose of the informal and military organizations. I used to be one of the Western Pacific team, 'Dannu son' team commander. "
泰蕾莎仍然盯着桌上的一点。 Marie 1:00 still staring at the table. 也不像是在说什么特别重要的话。 Not like saying anything important.
“……军衔是上校。曾经驱使水陆两栖潜水艇和第三代Arm Slave等等的,最新锐的装备,成功完成过多次困难的作战。” "... The rank of Colonel. Once driven submarines and amphibious third generation Arm Slave etc., the latest sharp equipment, successfully completed a number of operational difficulties. "
“我对这方面的事情是不太清楚啦,不过,好像是很厉害的部队呢。” "I regard this matter up is not clear, however, seems to be very powerful forces."
边这样说着,玛莎在手边的笔记本上草草地写着。 Edge says that, Stewart notebook in hand and hastily written.
“极其稀有种类的妄想。正确的专业术语。战队,两栖等等。要调查。” "Extremely rare type of paranoia. The correct terminology. Team, amphibians, and so on. To investigate. "
自己对军事用语不是很清楚。 His military terms is not clear. 于是她试着换了个问题。 She tried to change the question.
“刚才你说‘丹努之子’是吧?是凯尔特神话吗?” "You just say, 'Dannu Son' is? Yes Celtic myth? "
“……是的。是指丹努神族。” "... Yes. Dannu is Origin. "
“那么所谓的指挥官,归结起来是在说你是大地的母神丹努吗?” "Then, the so-called commanders, can be summed up in the earth's say you are the Goddess Dannu?"
“……丹努是潜水艇的AI的名字。是采用了量子电脑技术的非常大规模而复杂的系统。” "... Dannu AI is the name of the submarine. Using quantum computer technology for the very large-scale and complex system. "
“这样啊。” "This ah."
玛莎在笔记上加上“是哪部SF小说吗?”之后,继续询问道: Stewart added to the Notes, "which the Department of SF novels?" After continue to ask:
“那么……身为那个军事组织的指挥官的你,为什么会在那种地方走着呢?你刚才说是被部下们抛弃的啊。” "Well ... as a military organization that the commander of you, why walking in those places? You said you were his subordinates were abandoned ah. "
“……是啊。” "... Ah yes."
泰蕾莎一时间陷入了沉默。 Marie into a time of silence.
诊室里有些昏暗。 's Office, some dim. 天花板的荧光灯微微闪烁,整个诊室被夜晚潮湿的空气沉重地笼罩着。 Pico ceiling fluorescent flicker, the entire office with the humid night air hung heavy over with.
“……我的基地,受到了敌人的强力攻击。” "... I base by a powerful enemy attack."
“敌人?” "An enemy?"
“……名为‘汞合金’的组织。受到他们压倒性的攻击,‘秘银’完全崩溃了。我和部下们一起,乘着潜水艇从基地里逃了出来,总算是设法苟全了性命,但是……” "... Called 'amalgam' organization. By their overwhelming attack, 'Mithril' completely crumble. I joined them and subordinates, Riding submarine escape from the base out, finally managed to witness their lives, but ... "
少女的眼眸中,头一次浮现出强烈的苦恼之色。 Girl's Eye, first surfaced strong anguish of color. 大概是想起从那以后发生的事情很痛苦吧。 Think about what has happened since then it is very painful. 肩头加上了力,微微地颤抖着。 With the shoulder of the trembling slightly.
“不要紧吧?难过的事情就算不勉强说出来也可以哦?” "It does not matter? The sad thing is not even barely can say oh? "
“……不会。” "... Not."
泰蕾莎咕嘟咽了口唾沫后,轻轻叹了口气。 Marie everyone swallow a mouth spittle, the tone gently sighs.
“……潜水艇上没有装载足够的物资。逃到海底后总算是撑过了几个星期,但我的潜艇很快就陷入了无法正常航行的状态。当然也没有资金。也没有支付给部下们的薪水。” "... No submarines carrying enough supplies. After finally fled Harbor'll be a few weeks, but I soon submarines sank into a state of the normal navigation. Of course, no funds. Also not paid salaries to their subordinates. "
“…………” "... ..."
“……海中的潜水艇这种东西,是种能对乘员施加极大压力的环境。在这期间部下中的大半开始对我抱有不满,渐渐地,就连想把我和潜艇出卖给敌人的人都开始出现了。” "... The sea submarines such things, and crew members were able to exert great pressure on environment. During this half of his subordinates in the beginning I have right discontent Gradually, I even want to sell submarines to the enemy and the people that have appeared. "
“那些部下怎么了?” "Those subordinates how?"
“……企图叛乱的人被处决了。” "... An attempt to the rebellion were executed."
也不像是在讲什么特别重要的事情的样子,泰蕾莎说道。 Not like in any particular stresses the important things like, Marie said.
“杀掉了吗?” "Kill?"
“是的。” "Yes."
少女用微弱的声音说。 Girls with a weak voice said.
就此她就紧紧闭上了嘴,对于玛莎的提问,也几乎也再没做出任何算是回答的回答。 This she firmly closed its mouth, the question for Stewart, almost 25-26 as to answer any answer.
从最初的面谈开始过了一星期。 From the initial interviews had begun a week.
玛莎每天两次,和这个名叫泰蕾莎·泰斯塔罗沙的少女会面,一点一滴地打听出了“到此为止的事情经纬”。 Stewart twice a day, and this Mingjiaotailei Shataishi Rosa girl met a little bit to inquire about the "end of things Jingwei." 虽然对于是不是建立起了医患间的信赖关系并没有自信,但就算如此,泰蕾莎还是把到自己孤身一人被警察保护起来为止的事情零零散散地告诉了她。 Although not established a doctor-patient relationship between the trust and confidence, but even so, or to Marie to their isolation protected by the police so far fragmented things to tell her.
例如说—— For example --
她是非正式的军事组织的将校,一直以来完成了各种各样的作战。 She is an informal organization to the military school, has completed a wide range of operations. 那个组织受到敌人的攻击,她的部队被孤立了。 That organization attacks by the enemy, her forces were in isolation. 又是心怀不满的士兵们发动叛乱,又是补给物资不足,最终她的“潜水艇”发生了致命的事故而无法行动了。 Another disgruntled soldiers launched the rebellion and the lack of supplies is ultimately her "submarines" in the fatal accident and unable to move.
靠着艇上搭载的直升机,她和极少一部分部下从沉没的潜艇上逃了出来,但是那直升机却在加利福尼亚洋面上耗尽燃料而沉入了海中。 Relying on boats carrying helicopters, and the little part of her subordinates from the sunken submarine escape out, but that the helicopter was in California and the Sea of fuel into the depletion of the sea.
到乘坐救生艇勉强挣扎到半月湾的海岸的时候,部下就仅仅只剩下五个人了。 Barely struggling to take lifeboats to the coast of Half Moon Bay, only left his subordinates on the five individuals.
而这五个人也嫌弃她了。 This five individuals also regarded her.
对到了这个时候,还想继续摆着长官的架子颐指气使的泰蕾莎心怀不满的部下们,把她从偷来的车中丢到了路上。 Right at this time, I would like to continue them insufferably arrogant airs Chief Executive Marie disgruntled subordinates who stole her from the car to everyone in the road. 甚至还有人想要对她施暴,但总算没有付诸实施。 Some people even want her brutality, but nonetheless not implemented.
就这样,她正以放心的状态走着的时候,被卡车司机发现,被警察保护起来等等—— In this way, she was assured by the state when walking by the truck driver found, protected by the police and so on --
这种妄想,玛莎从来就没听说过。 Such paranoia, no never heard of Stewart.
佣兵部队和潜水艇、直升机之类的事情固然荒唐得过了头,但至少关于被保护前后的状况说得还是很有条理的。 Hot forces and submarines, helicopters of the sort of thing is ridiculous in the muscle, but at least on the protection of the situation before and after the right or very structured.
说真的,最初读到报告书上的状况的时候,玛莎一直都以为她肯定是犯罪的受害者。 Really, I read the first report on the situation of the time, Stewart has always thought she certainly is a crime victim.
但是,并不是那样的。 However, not another.
按照最初负责诊治她的急诊科大夫卡尔提的说法,这位名叫泰蕾莎·泰斯塔罗沙的少女身上,完全没有受到性暴力或虐待的痕迹。 She is responsible for the initial treatment of emergency department doctor affirmed that the Mingjiaotailei Shataishi Rosa girl was absolutely no violence or sexual abuse marks. 勉强算得上是外伤的,就只有因为在哪儿的树林里行走而造成的轻微的擦伤而已。 Barely regarded as a trauma, only because in the woods where the walking caused only minor abrasions.
在事情的前后关系上也没有矛盾,还使用着极其正确的军事用语。 In the matter before and after the relationship has not contradictions, but also a very correct use of military terminology. 关于“非正式的军事组织”,她的话也绝对不是支离破碎。 The "informal military organization," she also is not so fragmented. 因为玛莎在原海军的警察里有个熟人,所以就打了电话,尝试对各种事情进行确认。 Martha in the original because the Navy had a police acquaintance, the orders were given over the phone to try to right all sorts of confirmation.
(我是不太清楚啦。有能装下直升机之类的潜水艇吗?) (I was not too clear up. A helicopter can be installed under the category of submarines?)
(没有。老早以前倒是有过能装下飞机的潜水艇啦,不过现在可没了。不是相当大的舰艇的话就没办法确保那样的空间,最主要的是也没有实用性。唉,大概是那女孩子的空想吧。) (No. However long ago before there can be installed under a submarine aircraft up, but now has no. Instead of a large vessel so as to ensure that no space, it is also not practical. Oh, that girl is probably the utopian it.)
(但是她说是某种特殊的舰艇哦。叫什么强袭……水陆两栖潜水艇,还是什么的。) (However, she is a special ship, oh. What is the keys ... amphibious submarine, or what.)
(哈哈。那可真是厉害啊。) (Ha Ha. Ah it can be really powerful.)
(好像被合众国海军称为‘Toy Box”的样子喔。) (It seems that America Navy called 'Toy Box "Oh look like.)
(……你说什么?) (... What you said?)
到那时为止都还悠闲地笑着,等待着劝说好久没给自己打电话的玛莎的时机的朋友的声音,突然变得强硬起来。 Until then leisurely smile still waiting for a long time to persuade the caller did not give his friend Martha the time the voices suddenly become tougher.
(“Toy Box”啊。她是这么说的。) ( "Toy Box" ah. So she said yes.)
(你是从哪里听到这个的?) (Where you from hearing this?)
(所以说,就是那个患者啊。你知道吗?) (So, is that patients ah. You know?)
(我……不知道。) (I do not know ....)
(哈啊?) (Ha ah?)
对不知其所以然而反问的她,那个朋友用极其郑重的声音说: But I do not know their right so asked her friends that use extremely solemn voice said:
(不,我只是曾经在现役的朋友那儿听到过传闻而已。除此之外就什么也不知道了,而且除此之外也不能说了哦。) (No, I only have friends in the service where only heard rumors. In addition to not know what, and the addition can not say, oh.)
(你在说些什么啊?) (What you say ah?)
(听好了哦,玛莎。详细的事情我是不清楚,不过我觉得你还是别当那个患者的主治医了比较好哦。她的话,你也要全都当成没听过。就当她是无法正常说话的状态好了。) (Oh, listen well, Stewart. Detailed things I was not sure, but I think that when you or other medical indications in patients with a relatively Liberty. Her words, as you have all heard too. When she is not the normal state of good words.)
(我真是不明白啊。为什么突然——) (I really do not understand ah. Why suddenly -)
(抱歉,我下面还有工作。挂了哦。下次再打。) (Sorry, I still work below. Hang oh. Next beating.)
(等——) (Etc. -)
原海军的朋友单方面挂断了电话。 The Navy's unilateral friends hang up the phone.
越来越可疑了。 The more suspicious.
那个少女所说的话,该不会真的触及到了军事机密还是什么了吧。 That girl said, it will not really goes to military secrets or what it was. 为了谨慎起见,她以“Toy Box”和“潜水艇”为关键词在网上搜索了一下看了看,但是什么也没搜索出来。 To prudent, she "Toy Box" and "submarines" for the key words in search of the Internet to read, but nothing out search. 只有在玩具发烧友制作的网站上,作为从前的潜水艇的玩具被介绍而已。 Produced only in the toy enthusiast site, as a former submarine toys introduced it.
玛莎下定决心,尝试将自己和原海军的朋友的对话告诉了泰蕾莎。 Stewart determined to try to own and the original dialogue Navy friends told Marie.
“唉,就是那样吧……” "Oh, as it is ..."
少女用无力的声音说道。 Girl weak voice said.
“……因为,存在美国海军无法探知的武器系统这种事,是绝对没有办法对公众发表的吧。应该只能变成士兵之间偷偷说一说那种程度的,秘密的传闻罢了。” "... Because the Navy could not detect the presence of weapons systems such thing, this is absolutely not a public right of it. Should only between a soldier secretly say that extent, clandestine just hearsay. "
“好吧。可是就算如此——” "OK. But even so - "
到底是愈发着急了,玛莎向泰蕾莎问道: Yes increasingly anxious in the end, Stewart asked Marie:
“为什么要把如此重要的机密情报,告诉只不过是个心理医生的我呢?” "Why should such an important confidential information, just tell me a psychologist?"
“因为,已经是没有意义的情报了嘛。” "Because, it has no significance of the use of intelligence."
少女带点自嘲地微微一笑。 Pico says a little girl to laugh.
“现实就是如此。我是个无能的指挥官。所以才被部下们抛弃,像这样待在这里。我只是个失去了一切,只不过还没死的存在而已。” "This is the reality. I am an incompetent commander. So was not his subordinates were abandoned here to stay like this. I just lost everything, but not only there to die. "
“…………” "... ..."
“维特医生。你一定以为,我是个被妄想支配了的可怜的女孩子吧?” "Viterbi doctors. You must think that I have been a pathetic attempt to control the girl? "
“不,并没——” "No, no -"
“没关系的。就请您那样认为好了。因为事实上,我也和行尸走肉没什么两样了……” "'s Okay. Please think, as you well. Because in fact, and I have no different from the '... "
泰蕾莎慢慢地低下头去。 Marie slowly to imagine. 散乱的鬓角贴着脸颊,阴暗的荧光灯的亮光,在少女的颜面上投射出有些病态的影子。 The temples scattered words cheek, the dark fluorescent light in the girl's face on the projection of some morbid shadow.
“虽然这件事很难以启齿。” "Although it is difficult to tell whether the matter."
稍微等了一下之后,玛莎开口道。 After waiting for some slight, Stewart Road openings.
“已经决定将你转移到别的设施去了。我们决定让你在那里和与你有同样问题的人们共同生活。” "You have decided to transfer to other facilities went there. We have decided to let you in there and you have the same problem with the people living together. "
没有办法一直把她放在这所医院里。 No approach has been to put her in the hospital. 身份不明又未成年,没钱,也没有加入保险。 Another unidentified minors, the money, nor to insurance. 只有请郊外的某个专门设施收容她了。 Only to the outskirts of a specialized facilities accept her.
“…………好吧。随您喜欢。” "Well ... .... As you like. "
并没有表现出特别意外的样子,泰蕾莎说道。 No accidents showed particular way, Marie said.
“真遗憾。” "I regret that."
这是玛莎的真心话。 This is Stewart's heart.
虽说有些荒诞无稽,但她的妄想却有着一种逼真的奇妙的说服力。 While some ridiculous, but her paranoia has had a wonderful scene convincing.
哪个外星或者地底的侵略者发过来电波啦,美国政府往自己的脑子里装了发信机啦——她的话能让人极其强烈地感到与这些说法有着决定性不同的知性和理性。 Or in which extraterrestrial invaders at the end of the airwaves up from the U.S. government to own a piece of equipment write-up - so she can people feel very strongly that these are decisive and different intellectual and rational. 能条理清晰地讲解除了专家之外几乎没人知道的核融合电池的问题点,以及关于水陆两用作战的种种的未成年患者,她以前从未见过。 Coherent can clearly explain very few know that in addition to experts from the fusion cell issue, and on the amphibious combat with the various minors, she had never before seen.
“移送是在明天的傍晚。到时我也会在场。” "The transfer is tomorrow evening. When I will present. "
“是。” "Yes."
泰蕾莎用漠不关心的语气回答。 Marie replied with the tone of indifference.
翌日,移送用的车辆比预定时间晚了五分钟左右抵达了医院。 The next day, handed over the vehicles later than the scheduled time of five minutes to arrive at the hospital.
一辆黑色的小货车。 A black van. 是能坐在轮椅上乘坐的一种车辆,司机和助手两个人向玛莎简单地打了个招呼。 Yes to a wheelchair by a vehicle, the driver and two aides to the First, Stewart simply prodded. 虽然两个都是生面孔,但身份证明书和有关移送手续的文件上都没有可疑之处。 Although the two are the faces, but CI and procedures on the transfer of the documents are not suspicious.
泰蕾莎浑身瘫软地睡着,被搬到了轮椅上。 Marie body goes limp and fell asleep, was moved to a wheelchair.
“从今天早上起她就一直说头痛,所以按照值班医生的指示先给了药。” "From today onwards morning said she has a headache, the doctor on duty, in accordance with the instructions they medicine."
护士对玛莎解释道。 Nurse Martha explained.
“这孩子曾经胡闹过吗?” "This was literally a child?"
司机的男子询问道。 The man asked the driver Road.
“没有。非常地顺从哦。” "No. Oh, very obedient. "
代替护士,玛莎回答道,那名司机轻轻地点了点头。 Substitute nurses, Stewart replied, gently place the driver nodded.
“但是,我们还是想先把她绑起来。毕竟如果在行车过程中有个万一的话,还是很危险的。” "However, we would like to put her tied up. After all, if the vehicle in the course of the event, still very dangerous. "
“这倒是。但是……” "This is. But ... "
“没关系的。我们并不是要做什么粗暴的行为。……呃——,然后呢?这孩子有没有对您说过什么奇怪的话?” "'s Okay. We are not going to do rude behavior. ... Uh - and then? This child riders have what it strange? "
“奇怪?要说奇怪……这工作就是这样。会说不奇怪的话的患者才少见呢。” "Strange? Strange to say ... This work is like this. Strange to say it is rare to patients. "
虽然对如此奇怪的提问感到不协调,她还是面露和蔼的笑容回答道。 Although this is a strange lack of coordination, she noted a amiable smile replied.
“哈哈。这倒也是。” "Ha Ha. This is inverted. "
司机边环视四周边回答道。 While drivers look around four neighboring replied.
那里是位于医院的通用门附近的车道,在近处的就只有玛莎和护士,还有司机和他的助手四个人而已。 There is a general hospital in the nearby driveway gate in the vicinity only Stewart, nurses, drivers and his aides only four individuals.
“大夫。” "Doctor."
“什么事?” "What happened?"
“虽然只是以防万一……她有没有顺口说出‘汞合金’或者‘秘银’之类的词来呢?” "It's just ... just in case she did not talk say 'amalgam' or 'Mithril' like the word?"
“你说什么?” "You said what?"
玛莎不假思索地反问道。 Stewart unthinkingly asked. 她无法制止自己的肩膀和后背的颤抖。 She could not stop his shoulder and the back shaking.
“看来像是知道啊。” "It looks like that ah."
司机得意地微微一笑。 Drivers pleased to slightly smile.
猛地看来只是个普通的三十出头的白人男子,穿着藏青色的斜纹棉布裤和藏青色的夹克。 Suddenly it is the ordinary white man in his early 30, had to wear pants and denim jacket had. 身高在180公分左右,剔得短短的前额的发际上,有个小小的伤痕。 In about 180 centimeters tall, just a tick in the forehead at the hairline, there is a small scar.
现在那名男子的相貌有了天翻地覆的巨变。 Now the man's appearance with earth-shaking changes. 在玛莎的眼里看来,简直就像身高翻了一倍似的压迫感正节节膨胀起来。 Stewart appears in the eyes, it is doubled as no longer like it is spiraling inflation.
“喔喔。不要发出奇怪的声音哦。” "Museum. Not a strange sound oh. "
全身僵硬想要往后退的马莎的胳膊,被司机紧紧地抓住。 Rigid body to retreat to Martha's arm, the driver firmly seize. 用光是这样骨头就要断成两截儿般的,恐怖的握力。 This is exhausted to the bones broken into two as infants, the grip of terror.
男子用空着的右手,亮了一下藏在夹克衫下面的小型的自动手枪。 A man with an empty right hand, the bright jacket and shirt below possession of small automatic pistol.
对。 Right. 是手枪。 Yes pistol. 虽然玛莎几乎从来就没有接触过枪械,但就算如此,对于男子想要通过亮枪来告诉自己什么事情这件事,还是很容易地理解了。 Although Stewart has almost no contact with firearms, but even so, the men want to tell their guns-what this thing is very easy to understand.
“明白了吧,大夫?” "Understood it, doctor?"
“……嗯。” "... Ah."
“不要闹,慢慢地上车。那边的护士小姐也请。” "Do not make slowly ground vehicles. There also asked the nurses. "
不明就里地呆呆站着的护士,认出了男子的手枪,吓得倒抽一口凉气。 Unknown, and she stood on the nurses, identified the men pistol, running out of a chill.
“就光把这位姐姐扔在这儿可不行啊。好啦,上车吧。” "The sister-to be here not throwing ah. Word on the train it. "
“等等,和她没关系啊。虽然我不知道你们是什么人——” , "And so on, and she ah okay. Although I do not know that you are the people - "
“行了,上车。” "OK, on the train."
被男子催促着,玛莎和护士坐进了移送用的小货车的后部坐席。 The man was pressed, Stewart and nurses got into the removal of a small truck with the rear seats. 拿着手枪的男助手紧跟着坐进了后面的车箱,占据了能同时控制泰蕾莎和玛莎等人的位置。 The man with a pistol walked aide followed behind the Body, which can simultaneously occupy and control Marie Stewart and others position.
车门关上,车子开了出去。 Car door, opened the car out. 玛莎看见在三车道的道路的对面,咖啡屋的前面正停着一辆警车。 Stewart saw three lanes in the opposite side of the road, the coffee is parked in front of a police car. 但是为寻求帮助而胡乱折腾、大喊大叫之类的想法,丝毫都没有浮现在玛莎的脑海。 However, to seek help and indiscriminate disruption, yelling like the idea, not the slightest Stewart emerged in the minds.
“别那么害怕嘛。我们只不过有很多事情想问一下而已。对吧,比尔?” "Do not so afraid of the same. But there are many things we would like to ask about it. On it, Bill? "
助手的男子用非常轻松的语气说,司机的男子简短地答道: Aides men with a very pleasant voice, the driver briefly to the man replied:
“啊啊。不会加害你们的。” "He. Do not harm you. "
骗人的。 Deceitful. 是打算杀了我们。 Yes intend to kill us. 因为,为什么没有蒙上我们的眼睛? Because, why not cast our eyes? 为什么若无其事地露着脸? Why Lu started with equanimity? 为什么满不在乎地直呼搭档的名字? Why am having a nonchalant manner partner's name?
护士脸色苍白地沉默着。 Nurses pallor to the silence. 虽然很想安慰她,但玛莎完全没有那种闲工夫了。 Although want to comfort her, but Martha has absolutely no kind of dumb.
车子就那样穿过圣布鲁诺,沿着280号线驶向城市的港湾部。 As cars pass through the San Bruno, along the 280 line toward the city Harbor Department. 提前踏上归家路的许多私家车和卡车,在对向行车线上依次驶过。 Home embark on the road ahead of the many private cars and trucks in the right lane were passing through.
终于,他们抵达了距港口很近的一座老旧的仓库。 Finally, they arrived in the port from the close of an old warehouse. 那里只有几个小个的集装箱和两辆黑色的轿车而已。 There were only a few small containers and two black cars only. 几乎没什么货物,显得空荡荡的。 Almost no cargo, was deserted. 夕阳从装了铁栅栏的小窗户里射进来,在满是尘埃的空气中映出几条光柱。 Sunset from the iron fence installed windows in the small radio in, the air is full of dust in the mist several pillars.
“下车。” "Alight."
玛莎和护士战战兢兢地走下了停在仓库中的车子。 Stewart and nurses nervously stepped down in a parked car in a warehouse.
在车子的正对面,已经有五名左右的男子在等着了。 The opposite is in the car, has about five men in the waiting. 其中一个是貌似领导的西装打扮的男子。 One is the seemingly headed suit dressed man. 其余的四人都穿着工作装,肩膀上挂着自动步枪。 The remaining four were wearing work equipment, automatic rifles hung on the shoulder.
“晚了五分钟哦。” "Oh, five minutes late."
边用极其洗练的动作看着左腕上的手表,穿西装的男子说道。 While with the Citizens Action extremely watching on the left wrist watches, the men wear suits said.
还很年轻。 Still very young. 年纪大概在三十岁上下吧。 The 30-year-old age all about it. 瘦削的下巴加上梳得服服贴贴的黑发。 Thin on the chin with a Bibitietie comb the hair. 宛如用笔流利地画上去般的清秀眉眼,是个令人印象深刻的美青年。 Fluent in a pen like a painting than forward as the handsome, is an impressive young America.
“非常对不起,老大。我觉得因为超速而被抓也没什么意思——” "Very sorry, boss. I think because of speeding arrest had no meaning - "
“无聊的借口就免了。那么?把她带来了吧?” "Silly excuse to avoid the. So? She brought? "
毫不客气地打断司机的话,西装男子说。 Bluntly interrupt drivers, the suit man said.
“在这里。” "Here."
助手的男子从车箱后面将轮椅推下,将泰蕾莎·泰斯塔罗沙带了过来。 Aides from the Body of man pushing the wheelchair behind will be brought Taileishataishi waving over. 不知是不是药效过了,泰蕾莎好像已经醒了。 I wonder if the effect is, Marie has been like a wake up. 捆绑也解开了。 Bundling also solved.
但是,就只是这样而已。 Yet, only that would be it.
她对自己和周围的状况全然漠不关心,只是呆呆地望着正面的空中。 Her own right and the situation around completely indifferent, but Ray Leh Looking at the positive air.
西装男子在轮椅前面跪下,端详着少女的面容。 Suit men kneel in front of a wheelchair, the girls looked serene.
“我是李·福勒。是侍奉您哥哥的人。咱们曾经在您双亲的墓前见过一次。……不过那时候我是在AS里面就是了。” "I Lee Fowler. Your brother is serve people. We both your parents have seen the tomb of the first. ... But then I was AS inside the right one. "
“…………” "... ..."
“听说您被夺去了栖身之所,因此这样来迎接您了。以后就请您慢慢地……” "I have heard that you removed the accommodation, so that you had to meet. Later on you slowly ... "
就算他这样说,泰蕾莎果然还是没有反应。 If he said so, Marie really is no response. 名叫福勒的青年站起身,带着叹息喃喃道: Mingjiaofule get up at the youth, with sorrow displayed:
“行尸走肉啊。这居然就是一直以来让我们大伤脑筋的‘秘银’的魔女。” " 'Ah. It is this we have to worry about 'Mithril' story. "
“看着实在是不像呢。” "Watching it is like this."
“但是,所谓的凋零,大概就是这样的东西吧。要在战斗中壮烈地死去还更难一些呢。神话已经结束了。为了无谓的理由而失去了獠牙,凄惨地消逝的才是现实中的英雄。” "However, the so-called depression, that these kinds of things about it. In the heroic battle to die is also more difficult. Myth had concluded. To frivolous reasons lost embarrassed, sad reality is that the passage of a hero. "
福勒忧郁地沉默了一下之后,接着走到了玛莎她们跟前。 Fowler out of the depression in silence, then they went to the front Stewart.
“失礼了。大夫。他们没有对您动粗吧?” "Modifying the. Doctor. They are not on your circumstance? "
“没有……” "No ..."
“我们有必要确认一下那位少女到底对您说了什么。请允许我问您两、三个问题。” "We need to identify who the girl in the end what riders. Please allow me to ask you two, three questions. "
恐惧感当然没有消失,但玛莎却有了一种要就这样被吸进他那漆黑深邃的瞳孔中去的感觉。 Of course, no fear disappeared, but Martha has such a need to be sucked into his pupil in the dark to profound feeling.
“‘汞合金’和‘秘银’,诸如此类的组织的名称,以及他们所运用的武器和部队的事情您听说过吗?” " 'Amalgam' and 'Mithril', the name of such organizations, and their use of weapons and force things you heard?"
“……听说过。” "... Heard of."
“她有列举过具体的人名或地名吗?” "She has been given specific names or place names?"
“……没有。” "... No."
“您没骗人吧?” "You do not lie?"
“当……当然了。” "When ... of course."
“除了原海军的朋友之外,您还对别人说过从她那儿听来的内容吗?” "Apart from the original Navy friends, you also said others from her right there listening to the content?"
为什么连我跟朋友商量过都知道? Why do I even have to discuss with friends all know? 自己一直都被窃听吗? He has been tapped? 这些人是真正的专家,真正的机密组织的间谍吗—— These people are the real experts, the real secret spy organization? --
玛莎大惊失色,同时清楚地感觉到,一直保留到最后的那一点点怀疑也破碎、消失掉了。 Martha turning pale, clearly felt that the reservation has been little doubt that the final has broken the disappeared. 这不会是谁精心准备的骗局或者是玩笑吧——她心中的某处,一直都还这样祈愿着。 This is not who meticulously planned hoax or joke it - somewhere in her mind, also has such a wish. 这个男人会不会突然大喊“生日快乐,玛莎!”,面带恶作剧式笑容的朋友熟人们抱着桌子、料理、酒还有蛋糕一拥而入,替自己在这里开上一场热热闹闹的派对呢。 The men will suddenly shouted: "Happy birthday, Martha!" Face with the mischievous smile of a friend cooked people holding table, cooking, wine supporters also get a cake, for themselves here. Look terrific on a party it. 她心里总还有一点这样的期待。 She is also the hearts of such expectations.
但是,肯定不是这样的。 But certainly not the case. 首先,她的生日上个月就过去了。 First, her birthday last month passed.
“没说过。真的。” "I would not have said that. Really. "
福勒用心地观察着她的眼睛。 Fowler carefully observed her eyes. 她有种自己变成了自己平常接待的一名患者的感觉。 She became its own kind of reception usually the one with a feeling.
“我相信您。” "I believe you."
“但是,还是有件遗憾的事必须要对您说。我们的事情,希望能尽可能地保密。今天发生的事,还有她的事情……我们想避免公开。您明白吧?” "However, there is still a matter of regret that must Junior. What we hope to be as confidential. What happened today, there are her things ... we want to avoid open. You understand? "
“我明白。我发誓对谁也不说。所以让我回家。” "I understand that. I swear that no one is right. So let me go home. "
“可能的话我也想那样做。但是,无论是多么意志坚强的人,现代医学里也有从中榨出必要情报的方法。所以这才是‘遗憾的事’。真的非常抱歉。” "If possible I would like to do so. However, no matter how strong will of the people in modern medicine also need to extract information from the method. So this is' regrettable fact '. Really sorry. "
浑身起满了鸡皮疙瘩,肩膀和脚自作主张地猛烈颤抖起来。 Even the expiration of the body, shoulders and feet in notifying the violent shaking up.
我不想死。 I do not want to die. 我不要死啊。 I do not want the logo.
“您知道我为什么要对您说明得这么详细吗?” "Do you know why I was so right that you detail?"
“不要杀我。” "Do not kill me."
“我也怕死。但是,其中最糟糕的就是连死的理由都不知道就结束了性命。所以我才向您说明。绝对不是通过装腔作势的说话方式,来享受对方的恐惧。” "I also fear death. However, the worst of which is not even aware of the reasons for death to end their lives. So before I give you that. Absolutely not by posturing words, to enjoy each other's fears. "
福勒那端正的容貌上,闪过一抹深深的悲哀与怜悯的感情。 Fowler then correct appearance, passed hint of the deep feelings of sorrow and compassion.
“求求你,请别杀我。” "Begging you, please not kill me."
“真的很遗憾。” "Really very sorry."
“我求求你了……” "I am begging you ..."
“永别了,大夫。” "Farewell to the doctor."
福勒往后退了一步。 Fowler next step backwards. 部下们上前了一步。 Subordinates have approached a step forward. 在充满泪水的视野的一角,是一直保持着沉默的护士的侧脸。 With tears in the vision of the iceberg is kept silent nurses facial.
护士的脸色苍白,但却非常地平静,没有丝毫的颤抖。 Nurses pallor, but it is very calm, not the slightest tremor. 这是何等的胆量啊。 This is how the guts ah. 还是说因为太过愚钝,没有察觉到自己的命运呢。 That is because too much sense, not aware that their destiny is.
护士还很年轻。 Nurses still very young. 大约二十五岁左右吧。 Some 25-year-old about it. 是个东洋人。 Japan is a person. 短短的黑发,加上让人联想到猫的大大的微微上吊的眼睛和眉毛。 A short black hair, people associate it with the big cats hanging slightly eyes and eyebrows.
那位护士,呼地叹了口气之后,用非常响亮的声音这样嘟囔道: Who nurses, respiratory and sigh after the tone, with a very loud voice read:
“唉呀唉呀。真是个非常,那个啥,有表演性质的前置词啊。” "Yah yah. Really is a very, that what, ah performance nature of the preposition. "
那声音里,明显地带着嘲笑的意思。 That voice, obviously with ridicule mean.
“刚想着终于抓住你们的狐狸尾巴了呢。这下子,又冒出来一个恶心得要死的混蛋啊。” "You just think finally seize the tail of the fox is. Now, the emergence of nausea in the death of a bastard ah. "
“你,你……住——” "You, you ... live -"
不知道是不是吓到疯掉了。 I do not know the drive is not frighten. 护士对想要安抚她的玛莎的微弱声音完全置之不理,这样说道。 Nurses right to appease her weak voice Martha totally ignored, said.
“哎,你不这么觉得吗?泰莎!?” "Hey, you do not think so? Tessa! ? "
一直像废人般坐在轮椅上的泰蕾莎·泰斯塔罗沙的瞳孔中,突然重新出现了焦点——意志的光芒。 As has been nothing like wheelchairs, and the pupil Taileishataishi Rosa, the sudden re-emergence of focus - will shine. 在那看似憔悴已极的脸上,生气和知性也完全复活了。 There already appears haggard face, vibrant and intellectual fully revived.
“很失礼喔,梅丽莎。” "It is modifying Oh, Melissa."
这样低声说着,泰蕾莎很吃力般地从轮椅上站了起来。 This hearing Then, Marie very difficult swiftly from a wheelchair stood up.
“而且,要说表演的话,咱们这边也是一样的啊。” "Moreover, the performances of say, the same is true of our side ah."
周围武装的男子们,对少女突然的180度大转变感到非常疑惑,面对轻轻伸了个懒腰的对方也完全没有出手。 The armed men were surrounding the girl sudden 180-degree shift was very puzzled, in the face of each other gently Shenleganlanyao also no shots. 在他们的视线中简单地整了下装后,少女转向福勒,轻轻地行了个礼。 In their vision of a simple idea to the whole, girls to Fowler, gently Hangleganli.
“您好,福勒先生。其实我本来打算再晚一些再自我介绍的,不过因为您好像想在这里处理掉大夫,所以就决定这样了。” "Hello, Mr. Fowler. In fact, I had intended to re-introduce some late, but because you like to dispose of the doctor here, so such a decision. "
“原来如此。目标是我吗?” "So that was it. Goal is to me? "
“正是如此。那么,请您老老实实地对部下们说,让他们放下武器。不照办的话,我会给您一些教训的。” "Is the reason. Well, you honestly say right subordinates so that they lay down their arms. Not to do so, then I will give you some lessons. "
终于醒过闷儿来的部下中的一人,把玛莎带来的司机的男子,边简短地骂着,便大步走近泰蕾莎。 The child bore finally wake up to the subordinates of a person, the driver Stewart, the man-a brief background, we step closer Marie.
“你说教训?胡说八扯也要有个限度,小娘儿们!” "You said lessons? Nonsense eight puppets must have a limit, small woman! "
“别动。” "Do not move."
福勒这短短的话刚一说完,将手伸向泰蕾莎的脖子的男司机,后背正中就吃了子弹翻倒了。 Fowler then this just a short finish, insert hand to the neck of Marie male drivers, the upper center of the back of the bullets overturned.
“嘎……” "Ga ..."
在男子倒下的几乎同时,来复枪那冷冽的枪声从远方的某处传来。 The man collapsed almost simultaneously, the latter of rifle shots came from somewhere far away. 是从相当远的地方发来的狙击。 From the very remote areas to the attacks. 而且还是穿过微微开着的仓库的门口的—— But also through the slightly open door of the warehouse --
“干得漂亮,正中靶心哦。” "Doing pretty median target oh."
被称作梅丽莎的护士,取出一部超小型的无线机这样说道。 Nurses called Melissa, removed an ultra-small wireless machine said.
“如果有做出奇怪举动的家伙,就请你一个一个地撂倒吧。” "If there is a strange guy moves on to please a one over it."
“……是是是。Uruz 6,了解!” "... Yes yes yes. Uruz 6, understand! "
连玛莎也能隐约听见,无线电的话筒里,伴着杂音的男子声音这样回答。 Even Stewart can vaguely hear, radio microphone, accompanied cacophony of voices of men say.
“您明白了吧?请解除武装。” "Do you understand? Please disarm. "
泰蕾莎再度警告道。 Marie again warned.
“哈……太精彩了。” "Ah ... too wonderful."
明明有部下被射杀,福勒却露出了像是打从心底里感到高兴般的笑容。 Obviously subordinates have been shot to death, but Fowler signs of playing like feel happy from the bottom of my heart like smile.
“实在是太精彩了。我以为我已经做得足够小心了。大量的通信情报的解析。追踪和窃听、监视者的检查。超越了这一切,你来到了这里。还在我面前完成了出色的表演。而且最大胆的是,居然还想生擒我?果然是那位大人的妹妹。神话还在继续啊……!” "It is simply too wonderful. I thought I had done enough be careful. A large number of communications intelligence analysis. Tracking and eavesdropping, surveillance, inspection. Beyond all this, you came here. I also completed before the excellent performances. But the most daring, it also captured I ? adults who really is the sister. myth is continuing ... ah! "
“您好像搞错得有点儿太厉害了吧。即使一次也好,我可不记得曾经对你们举起过白旗。” "You seem a bit too serious mistake instead. Or even once, I do not remember that you had raised a white flag. "
露出有些令人毛骨悚然的微笑,泰蕾莎说。 Show some chilling smile, Marie said.
那双瞳孔中燃烧着平静的愤怒和复仇的火焰,正炯炯地放射着光芒。 Her badly burning a pupil calm the flames of anger and revenge, is to Jiong - Jiong emits light. 行尸走肉什么的,完全是无稽之谈。 'What is totally ridiculous. 看到从那样娇小的——可爱而纤细的身体中,爆发出如此强大的生命力,对于玛莎来说,是有生以来的第一次。 As seen from the stature - lovely and slim body, the outbreak of such a strong vitality, Martha, it is the first time since birth.
“好像是那样啊。但是果然,你的最后一步还是不够周全……!” "Ah, as it is. But really, your last step is not enough ... well! "
福勒微微动了动右手。 Fowler moving slightly move his right hand. 那是按下了某个很小的开关。 It is a small press the switch. 就在那一瞬间,仓库里的各处发生了陆续的爆炸。 In that moment, warehouses throughout the succession of explosions occurred.
“……” "..."
接连不断的闪光。 Successive flashlight. 震耳欲聋的爆炸声,以及立即广布开来的黑烟。 The deafening sound of explosions, and the immediate opening to the widespread smoke. 是非致死性的,以蒙蔽视线为目的的炸弹。 Non-lethal, for the purpose of sight to the blind bomb.
“咿……” "Sky ..."
泰蕾莎径直向对于事情的发展完全搞不清状况,只是呆呆站着的玛莎奔来,如同冲撞般地把她推倒在地。 Marie went straight to the issue of the development could hardly complete, but she stood in the Stewart everywhere, as the woman fell to the crash swiftly to.
“大夫。就这样别动。” "Doctor. It is so not moving. "
泰蕾莎告诉她。 Marie told her.
“住手……” "Stop ..."
“没关系。我的部下们会设法处理的。” "It does not matter. My subordinates who will try to deal with it. "
只见被称作梅丽莎的护士,以电光石火的身姿打倒身边的男子——怎么打倒的玛莎就不知道了——并用夺来的枪向其他的男子们施加准确的射击。 I saw practically called the nurses to lightning if the man who beat - how to beat Stewart not know - and seized the gun with the other men were put accurate fire.
枪声。 Gunshots. 哀鸣。 Nothing. 咒骂。 Curse.
男人们手持的自动步枪吼叫着。 Men armed with automatic rifles are shouted. 看不见的狙击手的枪弹袭来,男人们一个接一个地倒了下去。 Invisible sniper bullet hit, a man who had received one to go down.
“咿……!” "Sky ...!"
福勒边后退边向梅丽莎开枪,梅丽莎纵身横跃躲开了敌人的射线,藏到了车的阴影里。 Fowler-blocked shot to the back edge, practically jumped into cross-ray evade the enemy's possession to the car in the shadows of.
泰蕾莎的同伴似乎不止护士和狙击手。 Marie companions seems more nurses and snipers. 几个通用门被炸药轰飞,便服打扮外面套着防弹背心的好几名男子冲了进来。 Several doors were common explosives-bombers, dressed in civilian clothes outside a bulletproof vest sets a good man-a few coming.
“死心吧,小白脸儿!” "It up, White faces!"
梅丽莎喊道。 Melissa shouted.
“要我死心?” "To me up?"
躲在满是弹痕的轿车的阴影中,福勒这样回答道: Hide full of bullet in the shadow of the car, Fowler replied:
“本来咱们彼此就都还留着一手的。在这里谢幕我可敬谢不敏!” "We both have each other on the still retain the primary. Here curtain call, I can thanks, but no thanks! "
下一个瞬间—— Under a moment --
仓库的天花板被撕扯得七零八落,一个巨人现出了身形。 Warehouse ceiling by tear in pieces, a giant show a build.
激烈的爆炸声。 The fierce explosion. 尘埃和烟雾卷起漩涡,建材的碎片铺满了附近的地面。 Dust and smoke rolled up storm debris everywhere in the building materials near the surface. 束手无策地旁观的玛莎,被本来应该是患者的泰蕾莎掩护着。 The helpless spectator to Stewart, should have been the cover of Marie patients.
抬头望去,灰色的巨人正蹲伏在那里。 The rise trains, gray giant is squatting there. 锐角的流线型的装甲。 The streamlined armored acute angle. 从头部伸出一条长发般的放热索。 Head out from the heat as a long cable.
是Arm Slave。 Yes Arm Slave.
军用人形兵器。 The star military weapons. 就连她都知道这种兵器的名字。 She even knows the name of such weapons. 也知道血肉之躯的步兵,几乎就没有对抗这种强力的人形兵器的力量。 Know physically infantry, almost no fight against this powerful weapons star power. 并不是曾经在新闻里见过的那种外形矮矮胖胖的的机器人。 The news has not seen the kind of shape short pieces of robots. 而是看起来更加潇洒,然而却具备着令人毛骨悚然的矫健和力量。 But look more comfortable life, and it has a chilling off and strength.
福勒并没有特别炫耀胜利的样子,退到了AS的背后。 Fowler did not particularly like to show off the victory, back to the AS behind. 梅丽莎和增援的男子们既没有追他也没有逃走,只是藏在阴影里。 Melissa and reinforcements of men who neither recover nor his escape, but in the shadows of possession.
“果然呢。” "Sure enough it."
泰蕾莎低声说。 Marie hearing said.
即使到了这个当口,泰蕾莎依然在微笑。 Even at this juncture, Marie still smiling. 不过这次是带点儿自嘲的,不是很感兴趣的微笑。 But this is the mouth says, is not very interested smile.
“怎,怎么回事……?” "How, how ... thing?"
“不要动。” "Do not move."
泰蕾莎对玛莎耳语过之后,抬高了声音说: Marie Stewart whisper the right, raising the voice said:
“就是这么回事。Uruz 1。歼灭敌AS!” "Is such a thing. Uruz 1. AS annihilate the enemy! "
“了解,上校大人。” "Know, Colonel adults."
不知从哪里传来的,越过扬声器的声音响彻四周。 I do not know where the came from, the voice over loudspeakers throughout the week.
几乎同时,伴随着恐怖的隆隆声,一台新的AS击碎仓库的墙壁出现,瞄准灰色的AS冲去,猛烈地冲撞在一起。 Almost simultaneously, along with the roaring sound of terror, a new AS smashed the walls of the warehouse to aim at the gray-to AS, fiercely criticize together.
————————————哎,这次也出现了这种问题啊百科线———————————— ------------ Hey, this problem also have such lines ------------ ah!
当时BOMF的时候也是,先从后面翻完了又从前面翻,顺序不是很正确……这次也一样……55555难道这就是命运? At the time it was BOMF, first turned back from the front end up, the order is not quite right ... this is the same ... 55555 Is this fate?
……命运也好,什么也罢,我总算回应大家的期待把前面的部分翻出来了。 ... Fate or what events, I can look forward to your response to the earlier part turned out. 当然也会有小道特色的解说啦! Of course, there will also explain the characteristics of roads!
这次的名词倒不是很多,我来给大家放一张地图好了…… This term is not a lot, I give you to take a good map ...
下面是这次的地点的流程图,拷下来真费劲…… Below is the venue of the flow chart, copy down really strenuous ...
那么,就这样啰。 Well, it is so 1,10. 如果还有什么想知道的,也可以提出来哦。 If there is to know what, you can also raised oh. 对了US特种军医君,欢迎提供百科,我会附在电子书里的。 The U.S. special medic right-jun, welcome to Wikipedia, I will, attached to the e-books.
———————————等一下下个月的源就来了期待线————————————— Next month, the source ----------- little on the line to the expectations -------------
下一次,MMD就该完结了。 Next, the end of the MMD. 我和大家一样在期待呢。 I share everybody expects it. 据说年底就会出书,也快了吧。 It is said that a book will end, the faster it. 所以,电子书的制作也迫在眉睫了啊……幸好该放假了。 Therefore, eBook production also pressing the ah ... Fortunately, the summer vacation. 但是在那之前…………考试………………考试………………先跟大家说一下,万一我没能按时打完………………不,我会尽可能不造成这种万一的……………… But before that examination ... ... ... ... ... ... ... examination ... talk about tradition, if I did not finish on time ... ... ... no, I will try not to cause this event ... ... ...
最近也在翻译COMO,结果每看一次就好像被施一次“钻心剜骨”………………啊啊啊啊啊啊啊当时看到雷纳德出现在小要的房间里,我恨不得把手上的原稿给撕了………………开玩笑的。 Also recently translated COMO, every result seems to be on the watch-first "actual cutting into bone" ... ... ... ah ah ah ah ah ah ah see Bobby was to appear in the small room, I wish I handle the manuscript to tear ... ... ... jokes. 小道还是很有自制力的。 It is still self-control of the roads. 不过直到这时,我才真叫恨雷纳德恨得牙痒痒……本来还是觉得他挺可怜的,可是……如果你等他们俩过了一夜再来的话我就不会这么恨你了啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~~~你为什么来得这么不是时候~~~~~~~~~~ But until then, I hate the clock ticked enough teeth itch ... that he was still very poor, but ... if you wait for them to come back two a night so I would not hate you so ah ah ah ah ah ~~~~~~~~ Why do you come so often is not Albion
……咳咳。 ... Fear. 还是不要在圣诞的半夜里说这种东西了…… Christmas is not in the middle of the night, that sort of thing ...
大家今年有和自己喜欢的人一起过圣诞吗? And this year we have people with their favorite Christmas? 有的话就好。 So like. 我和新朋友一起出去玩了说~~好难得的事情啊。 I go out with friends and playing a game that ~ ~ rare good things ah. 平时都会窝在家里的……呵呵。 Peacetime would Waterloo at home ... huh. 还收到礼物。 Also received gifts. 好幸福。 Good happiness. 因为FMP,我才认识了他们俩,所以说,FMP啊,的确是能给我带来幸福的作品呢。 Because FMP, I understand their wife, said FMP ah, I can do is bring happiness it works. 希望对大家也一样就好了。 We hope that the same pair of nice. (^_^) (^_^)
还记得DVMC吗? Remember DVMC? 那一年的圣诞,对于宗介也好,小要也好,泰莎也好,都是最重要的一次节日吧。 Christmas that year, or were referred, or to small, or Tessa, is the most important festival it once. 那时候,宗介头一次顿悟了自己对小要的想法,也做出了一生中最最重要的选择。 At that time, were referred to his first insight to the idea of small, has also made the most important thing in his life choices. 泰莎也做出了自己最重要的表白,而小要也终于有了“自己已经不再是十六岁了”的觉悟。 Tessa also made their most important attitude, and finally to a small, "his 16-year-old is no longer a" consciousness. 那个有些混乱但是最终美好的圣诞,现在想来,仍然非常的温暖。 But some confusion that ultimately a better Christmas, presumably, still very warm. 对吧? Right?
虽然现在那些美好的时光已经不再重现,但是,只要两个人在一起,最终总是能克服一切的。 Although those wonderful time no longer return, but, as long as two people together, always eventually overcome all. 只要有彼此的存在,就能做到任何事情,去到任何地方。 As long as the existence of each other, we can do anything, go anywhere. 对于所有相爱的人来说,都是一样的吧。 For all those who love, it is the same. 不过,这本中最可怜的就是泰莎……被甩了(ToT)……其实我还是蛮喜欢泰莎的。 However, this is the most miserable ... left out of the Tessa (ToT) ... in fact I still quite liked the Tessa. 和小要不相上下吧……贺东老师你心太狠了,这样下去,泰莎的幸福在哪里呢………… It should be equally and small ... HE Dong-teachers too ruthless your heart, so go, Tessa where is the happiness ... ...
无论如何,看来MMD的最后宗介是只能先上丹努去见泰莎了……可这样泰莎不是更可怜吗! Anyway, it seems that in the last MMD is only referred to the Dannu went to see Tessa ... could we not more pathetic? Tessa! 喂! Hey! 贺东老师! He-Dong teachers! 为什么您要对泰莎这么……难、难道道您虐待狂………… Why do you want to right Tessa so hard ... Are you seeing Road ... ...
看看这一话,泰莎都绝对能去演电影了……好厉害的孩子啊。 Look at this, Tessa is absolutely my film to be ... ah well formidable children. 面对部下被杀,流离失所的悲伤,能做到这种地步……足以让所有认为泰莎是“花瓶”的人汗颜了吧。 Faced with subordinates were killed, displaced sadness can do this point ... to let all that Tessa is "vases" are ashamed of it.
泰莎,加油啊! Tessa, refueling ah! ! ! 努力的孩子,老天绝对会给你回报的! Efforts children, God will give you absolute returns! 绝对的! Absolutely! 所以一定要坚持到最后哦! Therefore, we must adhere to the last, oh! 绝对,绝对不要死! Absolutely, absolutely not dead! ! ! !
………又偏题了哈。 ... And that the Kazakh side. 今天还是应该和家人一起过才好。 And today, it should be possible to have a family. 小道就不多打扰了。 The roads will not disturb more.
我会在家里点起一支红烛,为宗介,为小要,为泰莎,为AL,为毛和克鲁兹,为秘银的战士们,以及深爱着他们的各位努力屋的观众,祈祷来年的幸福。 I will point at home from a Red Candle, for the cases referred to the small, Tessa, AL, for the hair and Cruz, Mithril fighters, and love of their efforts to house audience, the happiness of prayer coming year.
Merry Christmas And Happy New Year ! Merry Christmas And Happy New Year!

最新评论 ( 点击这里查看更早的所有评论... ) Recent comments (Click here to see all the earlier comment ...)

story @ 2006-12-30 20:33 Story @ 2006-12-30 20:33

虽然已经看过了,不过还是捧一下场。 Although it has been seen, but the market is offering. 期待能早日看到新的一话啊。 Looking forward to the new one to see if ah. 希望小要能作出什么行动来与宗介相会,最好能见上一面啦 Small hope to be able to make any action to meet with the referral cases, the best visibility on the up side

WINGWING @ 2006-12-30 21:10 WINGWING @ 2006-12-30 21:10

道姐姐辛苦了~~你可以放第一话真是太好了,谢谢哦~~ Road ~ ~ sister tough for the first-then you can really great, thank you oh ~ ~
话说贺东老师对泰莎真是不HD啊~~~不过他对宗介和小要都不是很HD哪,这样说来,他对谁HD过啊?!T.T各位真是很可怜的说~~ He-dong said teachers is not right Tessa HD ah ~ ~ ~ But he referred to were small and should not HD which is, to say so, to whom he had HD ah? ! T.T you really pathetic that ~ ~

天荷明人 @ 2007-01-01 04:31 One day Tseng @ 2007-01-01 04:31

道姐姐新年快乐 盼星星盼月亮 MMD01终于出来了 幸福死 Happy New Year Road sister Pan Pan stars from the moon MMD01 finally a happy death

广州懒猫 @ 2007-01-02 09:56地址: http://stephencat.poco.cn Guangzhou Lanmao @ 2007-01-02 09:56 Address: http://stephencat.poco.cn

小道新年快乐、心想事成哦! Roads Happy New Year, happy! ^_^ ^ _ ^

sakura_1125 @ 2007-01-02 13:24 Sakura_1125 @ 2007-01-02 13:24

啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊小道姐<br /> 源来了吗~~~~辛苦小道姐了~~但是。 Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah roads sister <br /> to the source? Hard ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ roads but a sister. . . 好着急啊! Good anxious ah! ! ! 今天都2号了阿~~~~~ Today is the A on the 2nd Edition

(ps:为什么小道姐说下一次会是最后一话了呢?~~) (Ps: Why roads will be easier next time it is the last one? ~ ~)

               ------------by又快要抓狂的某只猫 ------------ Also about `by a certain cats

sakura02 @ 2007-01-04 01:05 Sakura02 @ 2007-01-04 01:05

小道姐姐新年快乐 Roads sister Happy New Year

お姉さん、新年おめでどう What her sister and never New Year Why say what they order

Dicky @ 2007-01-04 17:31 Dicky @ 2007-01-04 17:31

一直都在等01话呢,感谢您的人道主义行为~~~ Have been in this case, 01 for your humanitarian act ~ ~ ~

sherryanna @ 2007-01-05 12:40 Sherryanna @ 2007-01-05 12:40

小道大,在泉川听说全的小说要结束了,真的假的啊?望一定回复! Roads, Izumigawa heard in the entire novel to the end, really fake ah? We look back!

唯大 @ 2007-01-08 06:55电邮: xkannoxbeebe@yahoo.com.cn CD-largest @ 2007-01-08 06:55 Email: xkannoxbeebe@yahoo.com.cn

小道也新年快乐~汗……迟了些时日…… Roads also Happy New Year to late Khan ... for some time ...
对了,小说可以让我放到空间上吗? Right, the novel that I can put space? 一定会注明转载自此处的,可以吗? Since the state will be reproduced here, we can? ~>_< ~> _ <

syao @ 2007-01-12 20:14 Syao @ 2007-01-12 20:14

好开心……………… Well happy ... ... ...
又能看全金………… Can see all the ... ...

我想把小说放到我的博客上可以不? I want to put my fiction can not blog?
会注明转载的…………………… Will specify reproduced ... ... ... ...

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