毅力冲破黑暗! Perseverance breaking the dark! 守望光明的努力屋 Watch bright housing efforts

再次分离的身, Again separation body,
挡不住终于重聚的心。 Finally reunited stop the heart.
所以神啊,请倾听我们的愿望。 So God, please listen to our wishes.
愿我们的力量化作利剑, To our swords into force,
斩断他们所有的悲伤。 Cut off all their sadness.
愿我们的力量化为烈焰, To our strength into flames
燃尽他们所有的彷徨。 Burning all their desperation.
当一切都结束的那一刻, When all concluded that moment,
愿这份爱,能成为拯救世界的曙光。 This would love to become the dawn of saving the world.

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« 上一篇: 补充资料集翻译,选自作者的机密笔记。 «On the one: supplementary information set translation, the author selected from the confidential notes. 对不起! Sorry! 又很久没有出现! And not long! ! 下一篇: 接着更! Under one: After more! 超速赶上——MMD03话! Speeding catch - MMD03 it! ! » »
左右为难的小道 @ 2006-07-18 11:13 The dilemma of roads @ 2006-07-18 11:13

各位暑假怎么样啊? Ah summer how you like? 我是一直在翻译中度过啦…… I have always spent up in the translation ...
抱歉……上次给了那么…………的更新。 Sorry ... for the last so ... ... updates. 让大家很无聊吧。 It is boring to you.
最近在做其他的事情……啊,就是漫画。 Recent do other things ... ah, that is comic. 我修了全金SIGMA的一小部分漫画,这是地址, http://photo.163.com/photos/tancochan/大家可以去看。 I took all the SIGMA a small part of the comic book, this is address, we can look at http://photo.163.com/photos/tancochan/. 密码是fmponly。 Yes fmponly password. 泉川也推出了自己制作的OVA。 Izumigawa also launched its own production of OVA. (欢迎下载,虽然我自己都看不懂要怎么下载……我这个白痴……)也算是一个飞跃吧。 (Download welcome, although I do not see how to download this idiot ... I ...) also is a leap it. 可喜可贺~可喜可贺~(撒花) Gratifying gratifying ~ ~ (Sahua)
要说为什么这个MMD会突然放出个第二话来呢……因为……这个……原本我是不能翻译这个的,但是泉川负责这个的翻译小姐临时有事,所以我上来代打,就成了这个样子。 MMD will say why this sudden release of the second word is ... because ... this ... I truly had this, but this Izumigawa responsible for the translation of Miss temporary emergency, so I pinch of, has become like this. 第一话人家有翻译,所以我就不要插手了。 The first translation of what other people have, so I was not to intervene. (不过说不定也会重新弄的) (But maybe also re loss)
但是这样做的话是不是会对深渊君的翻译有什么……呜……嗯……|||| But doing so will it not have the translation of the abyss-jun what ... Woo ... ah ... | | | |
原谅我吧,深渊君……我也不能老是让努力屋空着……对不起对不起对不起…… Forgive me, abyss-jun ... I can always let the space to house ... ... Sorry Sorry Sorry
也许会被当成资源浪费吧,但是这和去年跟小威比着翻译的原因又不一样……啊……总之翻译作品本身是没有罪的。 May be it as a waste of resources, but this year, and Williams than with a translation without the same reasons ... ah ... In short translation work itself is not a crime. 所以…… So ...
嗯,因为翻译ARROW HEART小姐暂时还会有事,所以我应该还会放出第三和第四话。 Ah, because the translation will be temporarily Miss ARROW HEART something, I should also release the third and fourth words. 因为之后要出门一周,这周可是要拼命了…… Because after one week to go, but in order to desperately this week ...
啊啊啊啊啊~我家的打印机又出毛病了~要命啊要命……我要打原稿啊…… Ah ah ah ah ah to my home, the printer also looking to get worse ah ... ah, I play the original manuscript ...
好了,虽然不是职业的,还是回应期待吧。 Well, although not a professional, or look forward to it. 小道版本的MMD,先推出第二话! Roads version of the MMD, first launched the second case!
——————————应该不会太突兀吧起头线———————————— ---------- It should not be too abrupt of registered ------------
集结的MMD(02话) Assembling the MMD (02 words)
压变形的钢筋。 Pressure deformed bars. 破碎的混凝土,化为粉末的天窗玻璃。 Broken concrete, windows into powder days.
那些仓库的建材,在黑色的集体周围激烈地跳跃着。 Those warehouse building materials, in the collective black jumping around in a heated. 解除了电磁迷彩的本·克鲁佐的AS“鹰”,竭尽全力地将敌机擒抱住。 The lifting of the electromagnetic camouflage Keluzuo AS "hawks", the aircraft will make every effort to cling escapement. 首先有必要令AS远离血肉之躯的泰莎等人。 First it is necessary to AS Tessa away from the flesh and blood of others.
两台机体纠缠在一起,冲破仓库的墙壁,撞进了码头上并列着的无数集装箱群构成的小山。 Two entangled with the body, breaking the warehouse walls, struck a pier on the numerous containers tied with a group of hills. 可就算如此,敌机还是没有倒下。 Can Even so, aircraft or did not fall.
反手握着的单分子刀,瞄准敌机的胸部挥下。 Holding a single molecule backhand knife, aiming at the chest off the aircraft.
作为布置周密的奇袭来说,这姑且可以算得上是能给及格的攻击了。 Layout of the attack as well, this is the moment can be regarded as a passing attack. 但是敌机似乎已经预料到了这一点。 But the aircraft appeared to have expected this.
沉重的冲击。 The heavy impact.
λ驱动器的力场在敌机的正面展开,挡住了单分子刀的刀锋。 Λ Actuator Field in the aircraft and the positive start to block a single blade of the knife. “鹰”上增设的特殊传感器——“妖精之眼”捕捉到了它,接着发出了尖锐的警报音。 "Hawks" on the additional special sensors - "the evil eye" to capture it, and then issued a sharp warning sounded.
和热分布图十分相似的图示。 And heat distribution is very similar to the icon.
敌机手臂的颜色由黄色转为橙色,然后眼看着逐渐变红。 The aircraft arm of color from yellow to orange, and then gradually saw that the red.
“!” "!"
来了。 Arrived.
克鲁佐总算看透了敌机制造出的力场。 Keluzuo finally seen through the force field of aircraft manufacturing.
扭曲了大气,轰鸣着的敌机的右臂。 Distorted atmosphere, the roar of aircraft and the right arm.
他在千钧一发之际躲过了来袭的冲击波。 He survived a critical time when the shock wave strikes. 背后有10个左右的集装箱被吹飞,像纸制的工艺品般边被压扁边在空中飞舞。 Behind 10 containers were blowing around-like paper handicrafts like squash side by side in the air and danced in the wind.
向敌机施以一记扫堂腿。 Remember the enemy impose a sweeping appear legs. 敌机踉跄着,向后退却。 The enemy stagger backward retreat.
“鹰”试图追击而向前迈进。 "Hawks" and trying to move forward in pursuit. 这时警报再度响起。 Then again sounded the alarm. 敌人的λ驱动器启动了,力场化为怒涛袭来。 The enemy launched a drive λ, Nutao come into force field. 克鲁佐总算是也看破了它,险险地跃起避开了。 Keluzuo finally it is also true, and leapt into narrowly avoided.
滞空。 Stayed in the air.
在敌人的头上一个回转,从空中投下对战车短刀。 The heads of the enemy in a rotary, the car dropped from the air knives. 串列式的塑型炸药,瞄准敌机的脖颈锐利地飞去。 Serial-style plastic explosives, neck sharp aim at the enemy planes to fly.
爆炸。 Explosion. 敌机的身影消失在火炎和烟雾之中。 The aircraft disappeared in the presence of Huo-yen and smoke.
然而,克鲁佐也不认为这种程度就能使对手倒下。 However, Keluzuo do not think that this level will enable the opponent collapsed.
“鹰”着地后,立刻做出横向飞跃的战斗机动,在可能做出极限的三次元机动的三代AS之间的战斗中,着地的瞬间可以说是最无防备的。 "Hawks" in the immediate aftermath of a fighter plane of the horizontal leap, made possible yuan limit of three third-generation mobile fighting between AS, in the moment can be said of most of preparedness. 没有丝毫可供喘息的机会。 No respite for the slightest opportunity.
不出所料,灰色的敌机像箭一般突破涡旋的浓烟,笔直地向他逼近过来。 Not surprisingly, gray aircraft as a breakthrough scroll arrow general smoke, straight to him from approaching.
那名敌人,“地狱君王”搭载了λ驱动器,己方的普通攻击几乎全被无力化了。 Those were the enemy, "King hell" carrying λ drives, one's ordinary attack was almost unable to this. 就装备之差而言,己方是压倒性的不利。 The difference in terms of equipment, our side is an overwhelming negative.
但是,就算这样—— But even so --
“能行的。” "The exercise."
在战斗机动那激烈的冲击之中,克鲁佐低声自语道。 In the fierce fighters of the impact, hearing himself Keluzuo Road.
敌机的力量确实恐怖。 Indeed terrorist enemy forces. 差距几乎可以说是绝对的。 The gap is almost absolute.
但是,操纵兵的技能又如何呢? However, the skills of manipulation soldiers how? 倘若敌机上没有搭载λ驱动器的话,在到此为止的攻防战中,敌人至少应该已经死了三次了。 If no aircraft carrying λ actuator so, the end of the battle, the enemy should have been dead at least three times.
比技术的话,绝对是我这一方占优。 Than technology, this is the absolute priority.
克鲁佐是如此确信的。 Keluzuo is so convinced of. 虽然敌人也并非业余,但是其无意识的骄傲却随处可见。 Although the enemies are not amateurs, but they are proud of their unconsciousness can be seen everywhere. 那仰仗自己的优势,傲慢的直线动作就是证明。 It enlist its own advantages, and arrogant is that linear movement.
可以乘虚而入的空隙一定会出现。 The gap can seize the opportunity will arise.
敌人在迅速接近。 Enemies rapidly approaching. 警报声。 Sirens.
虽然为反射性地想要扣下头部机关炮扳机的冲动所驱使,却也知道现在还太早。 Although reflection of the authorities to head withheld gun trigger the impulse driven, but it is still too early to know. 依靠“妖精之眼”的警报,闪过敌人放出的冲击波,克鲁佐对着无线呼叫道: Relying on "the evil eye" warning, the shock wave passed enemy release, Keluzuo into wireless calls:
“Urzu 1致HQ!特快专递还没到吗?” "Urzu one of HQ! Speedpost not to? "
“这里是HQ。已经发射完毕。” "This is HQ. Launch has finished. "
阴沉而耿直的男子声音回答道。 Zhi Geng and sombre man voice replied. 是理查德·马度卡斯。 Richard Ma of Kas.
“现在,TLAM在惯性诱导中。距推定抵达时间(ETA)还有30秒。终端诱导交由Urzu 1。” "Now, TLAM in inertial induction. Travel time from the presumption (ETA) have 30 seconds. Urzu an induced by the terminal. "
“Urzu 1了解!” "Urzu an understanding!"
机体的AI同时通告道: AI also notice the body:
<警告信息。 <Warning messages. 确认由HQ发来的代码。 By HQ to confirm the code. TLAM01的终端诱导已经接手。 TLAM01 terminal has been taken over by. 距离着弹还有大约20秒。 There are some distance from the shells and 20 seconds. >
“将TLAM的弹头活性化!” "TLAM warheads activity!"
<了解。 <Understanding. 活性化TLAM 01的弹头。 Activity of TLAM 01 warheads. >
(技插:TLAM是战斧式巡航导弹的缩写。) (TCDC interpolation: TLAM is the acronym for Tomahawk cruise missiles.)
位于显示屏中的武器装备数据一角的蓝色的“SAFE”字样,在一瞬间切换成了红色的“ARM”。 At the weaponry display data in the blue corner of the "SAFE" character, switching in the blink of an eye became red "ARM."
弹头的活性化。 The activity of warheads.
也就是从空中的某处迫近的巡航导弹的智能弹头上的锁被切断了。 That is somewhere approaching from the air intelligent cruise missile warheads, the locks were cut off.
“地狱君王”与继续着回避运动的克鲁佐的机体展开了肉搏战。 "Hell King" and continue to evade the body Keluzuo campaign launched hand-to-hand combat. 踏越成山的集装箱,半身沐浴着晚霞的光芒。 Riding the mountains of containers, bathed in a recent sunset afterglow light. 从头部伸出的宛如长发般的散热索,亮晶晶地闪耀着彩虹色的光辉。 Protrude from his head like a hair-like heat cable, the golden rainbow colors radiate with brilliance.
“好啊,来吧……!” "O.K., come ...!"
放出对AS手榴弹。 AS produce right hand grenades.
“地狱君王”轻轻地向右迈步,避开了爆炸。 "Hell King" Moving right gently to avoid an explosion. 在敌机的背后,巨大的货物集装箱就像瓦楞纸箱一样飞到空中,咕噜咕噜地旋转。 The aircraft in the back of huge cargo containers like corrugated box flew the same air, Gollum Gollum revolving.
头部机关枪连射。 Head machine gun bursts.
“地狱君王”先是用λ驱动器将那小口径的弹雨反弹回去,在判断其对自机的装甲无法构成任何威胁之后,那个力场消失了。 "Hell King" with λ first driver to the small caliber ammunition rebound back, in the judgment of their armored not pose any threat, that the Field disappeared. 这是为了将力量集中到接下来用于击溃克鲁佐的攻击上。 This is to concentrate forces for the next attack on Keluzuo rout.
这正合己方的目的。 This is for their own purposes.
“鹰”所射出的机关枪弹,其弹匣中只有最初的50发是普通弹头。 "Hawk" by the bullet fired organs, the first of its magazine, only 50 of the ordinary warheads. 在那之后,从第51发开始,塞得满满的都是填充了丙烯涂料的油漆弹。 Since then, 51 from the beginning, a very full Cypriots are filled propylene coating paint bombs.
那些油漆弹朝着“地狱君王”的头部倾盆而降,着弹后化为雾状的红色涂料粘在了敌机的传感器上。 Those paint bombs in the "hell King" poured down the head assumes a bomb into mist after the red paint stick in the aircraft's sensors.
虽然是十分简单的封闭视线的作战,但现代AS传感器的外装部分都装备了高频雨刷器和清洗用喷嘴。 Although the closure is very simple sight of combat, but the modern sensors installed AS part of the high-frequency equipment for rain and wash with nozzle. 这是应对战场上的泥浆和尘埃的对策。 This is the response on the battlefield of mud and dust countermeasures. 有了那些,就算是用丙烯涂料,视野也能在数秒内完全恢复。 With those, even with propylene paint, vision can be fully restored in seconds.
而目的就是争取这数秒的时间。 The purpose for this is the time for a few seconds.
在此期间,敌机只能用毫米波雷达搜索敌人。 In the meantime, the aircraft can only use millimeter wave radars to search for the enemy.
<TLAM01,距离着弹还有十秒。 <TLAM01 from the shells have 10 seconds. >
AI告诉克鲁佐。 AI told Keluzuo. 周围的大气开始震动。 The atmosphere around the beginning of shock. 头顶上,激烈的喷气机的轰鸣声接近了。 Overhead, the fierce roar of the jet close. 从西面的天空,黄昏时分燃烧着的太阳的光芒中,某样筒状的东西正向这边迫近。 From the western sky at dusk around the burning sun shine in a tube-like positive side of things looming.
<6……5……4……> <6 ... 5 ... 4 ...>
被“鹰”的头部发出的终端诱导激光照到,摆好架式的“地狱君王”的胸口亮起了一个小小的光点。 The "hawks" in the head by a laser satellite terminal, smiling posture "hell emperor" in the chest by a small-turn on the point.
<着弹> <A bomb>
自上空而来的激烈爆炸袭向敌机。 Since over from the intense bombing lasted aircraft.
巡航导弹以接近音速的速度飞来,瞄准激光指定的位置——“地狱君王”引爆了指向性炸药。 Cruise missiles close to the speed of sound coming targeting laser designated location - "King of hell" nature of the explosives detonated. 密度比铁还要浓厚的燃烧气,在瞬间化为火炎之枪袭向敌人装甲的一点。 Even strong iron density than the combustion gas, in an instant into Huo-yen's closest enemy armored gun point.
爆发的冲击波同时也猛烈地摇晃着“鹰”的机体。 The outbreak of severe shock at the same time to shake the "hawks" of the body.
“!” "!"
克鲁佐巧妙地稳住飘起的机体,间不容发地冲向敌机。 Keluzuo cleverly steady rain of the body, Jianburongfa rushed to the aircraft. 在爆炸的烟雾之中,“地狱君王”还活着。 The explosion of smoke, "Hell King" still alive. 是在即将中弹之前展开了λ驱动器的防壁之故。 Shot in the forthcoming before the start of the λ-driven wall of it.
(但是……!) (But ...!)
紧接迷眼后,又吃了猛烈的突然袭击而踉踉跄跄的敌机。 Immediately after the fans eyes, eat a fierce and sudden attack of the enemy planes accidentally.
“鹰”的“妖精之眼”确实地捕捉到了它的λ驱动器的状态。 "Hawk" and "the evil eye" is to capture its λ actuator state. 好不容易,才为了警戒己方的追击而在正面展开了防壁。 It was only a warning to one's pursuit of a positive start in the walls.
但是,只有正面而已。 However, only just positive.
克鲁佐让过敌人的右手,以眼睛无法捕捉的迅速动作,将单分子刀插进了它的右侧腹。 Keluzuo to the enemy's right hand, unable to capture the rapid eye movements, single molecule knife slipped in the right abdomen. 那是技术士官的报告中,λ驱动器的一部分模块所在的位置。 That is the report of the technical officers, λ drive module part of the location.
奏效了。 Works.
一直包裹着“地狱君王”的力场的显示图,在闪烁了几次之后消失了。 Parcels have been a "hell emperor" Field of the show, after several flashes disappeared. 敌人的λ驱动器被无力化了。 The enemy was unable to drive λ this.
但是还不容许有安心地喘息的时间。 But not allow any comfort to break time.
预想外的损伤使得敌机动摇,呆呆地站着不动了。 Outside the anticipated injury makes aircraft shaken, the Ray Leh stood motionless. 而第三代AS的战斗的铁则就是迅速地,并且毫无慈悲地行动—— AS the third generation of combat while the iron is rapid, and no mercy in the operation --
回过头,克鲁佐瞄准敌机,将最后的对战车短刀锐利地投掷出去。 Looking back, Keluzuo targeting enemy aircraft, tanks will last right to throw out sharp knives. 短刀命中转过身来的“地狱君王”的胸口后爆炸,这次真的将敌机的上半身吹散得七零八落了。 MP shot turned to the "King of hell" in the chest after the explosion, this really the enemy scattered in the upper body disperse.
撕裂的手臂部分咕噜咕噜地旋转着,在黄昏的港湾的空中描绘出奇妙的曲线。 Tearing part of Gollum Gollum in the arm to the rotation, the Harbor in the evening air painted wonderful curves.
背对四散飞舞的敌机的碎片,克鲁佐立刻将索敌模式切换到活动状态,用对ECS传感器防备着万一有新的敌机出现。 Turn their backs danced in the wind scattered debris of the aircraft, the enemy Keluzuo cable model will immediately switch to state activities, with a pair of ECS sensor preparedness in case there are new aircraft.
没有反应。 No response.
“呼……” "Hu ..."
在得到某种程度的确认之后,第一次,他深深,安心地叹了口气。 With some degree of recognition, first, his deep, reassuring voice to a sigh.
“Urzu 1致全体部队。已击破‘地狱君王’型的敌AS。” "Urzu one of the troops. Have broken 'hell emperor' of the enemy AS. "
在“鹰”和“地狱君王”两机离开后的仓库,步兵部队的战斗的趋势也已经大体决定了。 "Hawk" and "King of hell" after the departure of two of the warehouses, infantry fighting the trend has generally decided.
仓库毁了大半,停泊的车辆被踩扁,不知多少敌人化为尸体躺倒在地。 Warehouse destroyed half of the vehicles were parked Pistons, I do not know how many enemies into corpses in the desert. 周边一带几乎变成了瓦砾之山,火势至今仍未消退,滚滚的白烟笼罩了四周。 The surrounding area almost become a mountain of rubble, the fire has not yet been alleviated, billowing white smoke enveloped the surrounding.
“泰莎——” "Tessa -"
手持敌人冲锋枪的护士打扮的梅莉莎·毛用无线电进行过短暂的交谈之后,向泰莎喊道: Armed with a submachine gun, the enemy of nurses dressed blonde hair with the radio after a brief conversation, Tessa yelled:
“——本把敌人打倒了哟。” "- The overthrow of the enemy yo."
“是吗。” "Is it right."
掩护着精神科医生玛纱·维特隐蔽在阴影中的泰莎——泰蕾莎·泰斯塔罗沙简短地回答着起了身。 The cover of a psychiatrist Mary Viterbi yarn hidden in the shadows of Tessa - Taileishataishi waving briefly answered the body has.
环视着被毫不留情地彻底破坏的仓库,确认过PRT的士兵们正没有丝毫大意地继续监视着压制区域后,这才确认自己有没有受伤。 By relentlessly look around the warehouse completely destroyed, confirmed the PRT soldiers is not the slightest effect to continue monitoring the regional repression, this recognize that they have no injuries.
穿着的患者用的衬衫,背后的纽扣都被扯掉了,几乎就要从袒露的肩膀上滑落下来。 Patients with wearing the shirt, the buttons are behind a wardrobe, almost to the bare fallen on the shoulders down. 因为也没穿内衣,所以样子与全裸差不多了,但是负伤程度只有轻微的擦伤。 Also because no underwear, and like almost nude, but only slightly wounded degree abrasions. 没有问题。 No problem.
“目标逃跑了啊。” "Target fled ah."
泰莎左右移动视线,虽然自己也知道没有用,还是在附近一带搜索着李·福勒的身影。 Tessa about mobile sight, although he knows of no use, or search in the vicinity of Lee Fowler on the scene.
“天花板塌下来的混乱中给看丢了呢。对不起。” "Ceiling collapse in the chaos to see it lost. Sorry. "
听毛一说,泰莎轻轻地挥了挥手。 A hair, Tessa said gently hand.
“没关系。反正也只是代替打招呼的作战。就将平民百姓卷入到这种程度这一点,已经算半分失败了。 "It does not matter. Anyway, instead of just saying hello operations. Civilians will be involved in this level to this point, has been counting half points failed.
“本来是想巧妙地让那边的女医生离远点的……。果然还是不能随心所愿啊。唉呀呀。” "Ingeniously originally wanted to let the other side of a female doctor stabbed points .... Sure enough or not cardiac wants ah. Oh yah. "
毛耸耸肩,正逐渐恢复寂静的仓库周边,流淌着某种不合时宜的电子旋律。 Gross shrugged, is gradually returning to the quiet surrounding warehouse, a certain flowed outdated electronic melodies.
单调的高音警报声。 Monotone cars sirens.
泰莎赤着双脚,走向那个声源。 Tessa Chek the feet, and that to the sound source. 倒在地板上的混凝土的碎块中间,落着一部黑色的手机。 The concrete floor fragments middle, charged with a black phone.
她捡起手机,无言地按下通话按钮。 She picked up phones, and press the call button speechless.
“是福勒先生吧?” "Mr. Fowler?"
泰莎说道,电话的另一端噗嗤一声发出轻笑。 Tessa said, telephone the other end of a given I managed.
“是啊。本来想和您再稍微多说几句的嘛。可是我也没理由老老实实地被捕。所以才把那部电话留下了。” "Ah yes. You have to think a little more and say a few words about the same. But I have no reason to honestly arrested. So the phone before leaving. "
福勒已经从这里的现场逃脱,恐怕是乘坐事先准备好的预备车辆,正试图迅速地隐藏到市中心的某处吧。 Fowler has escaped from the scene here, I am afraid, is prepared by the Preparatory vehicles, is trying to quickly hide it somewhere to the city center. 因为大概也使用了最先进的反侦查措施,想要掌握其位置并进行追踪已经是不可能的了。 Probably because of the use of the most advanced anti-detection measures to control their location and tracking is the impossible.
“首先请允许我说一句,干得漂亮。10人以上的部下被歼灭,我们的AS也被击破了。还是用你们最小限度的战力呢。我彻底失败了。” "First, please allow me to say that doing pretty. Ten people were killed over subordinates, we had AS were also broken. Minimal or your tactics, too. I completely failed. "
“那又怎么样呢。毕竟您还是自由之身。” "So what is. After all, your body is free. "
“这倒也是。” "This is inverted."
“本来,是打算将您拘禁起来,请您把所有的情报都吐出来的。即使要用上让您一生都无法再露出那种冷笑的手段。” "Originally, you are going to be detained, you have all the information to the spit. If you use the life no longer have the means to show that sneer. "
“用那么可爱的声音说这么恐怖的话呀。” "So with such a lovely voice that so oh terrorist."
福勒在电话的另一端,那一瞬间是真的在露出冷笑,这很容易就能想象得到。 Fowler on the phone the other end, it is really in the blink of an eye exposed sneer, it is easy to imagine that.
“但是,我不明白。您是真的打算就这样继续和我们战斗下去吗?” "However, I do not understand. Do you really intend to continue this fight and we continue? "
“没必要重新再说一遍了吧?我并不是单单因为发疯才演那场戏的。” "No need to say it again now? I do not mean just because it's crazy to play the field. "
“我们的力量,应该已经让你们知道得十分清楚了。现在‘秘银’也已经不存在了。我们‘汞合金’的目的,也并不是要毁灭世界。倒不如说成是给世界各处的紧张状态进行适度的减压比较好。你们应该没有战斗的理由了才对吧?” "Our forces should have let you know that very clearly. Now 'Mithril' has not exist. We 'amalgam' purpose, it is not going to destroy the world. It would be better to say that the state of tension around the world and appropriately decompression better. You should not only reason for fighting? "
(插花:减、减压……也就是让僵持的紧张状态变成开打……确实舒缓压力了……可是有这么减压的吗……啊,顺带一提这个日语原词原本是用于井下作业的“开采之前的放气活动”。) (Flower arranging: reduce, decompression ... is to stalemate into a state of tension ... a really ease the pressure ... but to do so decompression ... ah, a passing mention the Japanese original word was originally used for mine operations "before the gas exploitation activities.")
“您真是很天真呢。” "You really be naive."
泰莎带着些许的轻蔑,向对手讥笑道。 Tessa with some contempt, to deride opponents Road.
“天真?” "Naive?"
“没错。您以为我们是只因为什么大义和正义感,才和你们战斗的对吧?” "Exactly. Just because you think that is why our sense of justice and righteousness, and you fought it right? "
“看来好像不是呢。” "It looks like it is not."
“你们杀死了我很多同伴。光这一条动机就足够了。” "You kill me many companions. This one-motivation enough. "
泰莎干脆地说道。 Tessa and simply said.
实际上,她和她的部下们继续战斗的理由并不仅如此,还有更多能做的事情也是事实,但是—— In fact, she and her subordinates to continue to fight for and not only that, there are many more can do is true, but --
说到底,就是这么回事。 After all, that is the case. 要泰蕾莎·泰斯塔罗沙认同“汞合金”之类的,恐怕是八百辈子也不可能的事情吧。 To Taileishataishi Rosa acknowledged that the "amalgam" category is probably 800 things in my life it is impossible.
“这一点我们也一样哦。” "This is something we also like oh."
福勒冷冷地说。 Rich Fowler said.
“虽然是没有你和你的部下之间那么深的羁绊啦。但是我们也遭受了相应的损失。而且我本来都打算咽下这一切,郑重地迎接你的。可是你却拨开我的手,我是在问你做到如此地步的理由。” "Although not you and your subordinates so deep between the fetters up. But we also suffered a corresponding loss. But I did have to swallow all this, solemnly meet you. But you have lift my hand, I ask you to the point of reason. "
“我终于明白您问题的意思了。” "I finally understand the meaning of your question."
泰莎说。 Tessa said.
“也就是凭借压倒性的战力,想要向弱小的敌人伸出援手对吧?曾经我也是抱有这种想法的人。但是现在不同了。你所说的‘减压’什么的,会将许多人的命运玩弄于股掌之间。我无法允许的,是这种傲慢。” "With that is overwhelming combat power, wants to lend a helping hand to the weak enemy right? Once I have this idea person. But now different. You said 'decompression' What, will be the fate of many people under his complete control. I can not allow, such arrogance . "
“原来如此。我也可以把这解释为某种败者毅力吧?” "So that was it. I can also be interpreted as some kind of perseverance losers? "
福勒的揶揄里包含了十足的辛辣味。 Fowler derision, includes full spicy taste.
“……福勒先生。都到这时候了,我就直说了可以吧?” "... Mr. Fowler. All this time, I can say straight? "
“您请便?” "You disagree?"
泰莎十分注意地,一字一顿地强调着,这样说道。 Tessa great attention to, and stressed that the Coast, said.
“简而言之——我讨厌像你们他妈的这种自作聪明的狗屁混蛋讨厌得要死。这样你明白了吗?”(插花:五体投地了……m-_-m|||泰莎迷请不要打我。) "In short - I hate like hell that you think they are smart shit bastard die for hate. So you understand? "(Flower arranging: five of the vote ... m m-_-| | | Tessa fans please do not hit me.)
“…………” "... ..."
在旁边偷偷看着通话状况的毛和其他的PRT要员们,面对头一次听到的泰莎的尖锐的四字词语,全都瞪圆了眼睛当场石化。 Beside secretly watching the situation calls Mao and other leading members of the PRT are, in the face of the first to hear the words of Tessa's sharp words, all the eyes were Petrochemical's.
“以上,传令员小弟(messenger boy)。请将同样的话也转达给雷纳德·泰斯塔罗沙。” "These, Chuanling Rapporteur di (messenger boy). Please also conveyed the same message to Leinadetaishi Rosa. "
在福勒还没来得及接上任何话之前,泰莎就把手机挂断,随随便便地往地上一扔。 Fowler had not connected to anything before, Tessa hear phone hang up, with a casual manner UPDATE throwing.
“撤退了。要在当地警察到来之前到Pave Mare的LZ(着陆地点)……哎,各位怎么了?” "Evacuated. The local police prior to the arrival of the Pave Mare LZ (landing site) ... hey, how you? "
呆掉的毛等人,不久才回过神来一般彼此面面相觑,终于放声大笑起来。 Stay out of hair and others, shortly before the general leave their surprise, and finally laughed together. 好像从心底里感到非常舒畅的样子。 From the bottom of my heart, it was very comfortable the way.
“唉呀呀。怎么说呢。” "Mom oh. How say. "
“居然说‘狗屁混蛋’呢。” "Actually said 'shit bastard' it."
男人们拍手喝彩道。 Men applauded Road.
“真是的。真是了不得啊,你。” "It's. It was not ah, you. "
毛带着讶异的表情嘭嘭地拍着泰莎的后背,用胳膊搂住她的肩膀。 Mao boy with puzzled expressions to giant Tessa boy in the back with her on the shoulder and arm gun.
“哎?啊……” "Hey? Ah ... "
“之前也说过啦。我爱你,我的指挥官大人。” "Said up. I love you, I am the commander of adults. "
毛对准这才想起自己气急之下说了什么,而变得通红通红的泰莎的脸颊,像要吸上去一般狠狠地亲了一下。 This hair at the thought that his short breath under what has become the red red Tessa cheek, as to boost the general aspiration severely cheek.
“总,总而言之撤退了!地方警察马上就要抵达这里了哟?现在可不是玩性骚扰的时候!” "The GP retreat! Local police immediately arrived here a yo? Now is not the time to play sexual harassment! "
挣脱毛的手,泰莎向所有人下达了指示。 Get rid of Mao's hands, Tessa issued instructions to all.
“是是是。了解。……但是泰莎,那边那位大夫要怎么办呢?” "Yes yes yes. Understanding. ... But Tessa, who side of the doctor how to do? "
毛向仍然一成不变地紧靠在仓库的铁柱子旁,呆呆地眺望着到此为止的对话的玛纱·维特医生投去一瞥。 Mao still invariably close to the warehouse beside the iron pole, Ray Leh overlooks the end of the dialogue Mary Viterbi yarn to doctors for a glimpse.
“嗯……” "Ah ..."
泰莎面带忧郁的表情走近吓坏了的玛纱,用温柔的声音对她说道: Tessa had a melancholy expression terrified approached Mary yarn, with her gentle voice said:
“让您遇到危险真是对不起,维特大夫。” "Let you encounter dangerous I am so sorry, Viterbi doctor."
“你……你想把我怎么样?” "You ... you want me how?"
“当然没有打算加害于您。总之先离开这里吧。” "Of course not intend to harm you. In short before it left here. "
泰莎等人很快从变成了战斗现场的仓库撤离,乘车移动向数公里外的市内的公园。 Tessa and others soon become a battle scene from the warehouse, mobile travel several kilometers to a park outside the city.
克鲁佐的AS启动了ECS不可视模式,边避开障碍物边陪伴在她们的车旁。 Keluzuo AS launched ECS mode is not visible, while avoiding obstacles while accompanied in their vehicle. 从楼顶到楼顶,从道路到道路地跳跃着。 From the roof to roof, from the road and jumped up to the road.
途中,泰莎向玛纱进行了说明。 En route, Tessa M. yarn to a note.
“那个叫福勒的人威胁说要杀掉你,实际上,倒不如说是在威胁我。” "Fowler is that the people threatening to kill you, in fact, it is better to say that I threatened."
虽然这次达成了巧妙地将其诱出的目的,但是,敌人原本是更加小心的。 Although this reached either by luring its purpose, but the enemy was originally more cautious. 福勒在泰莎面前采取那样的言行,也是因为对泰莎自身的演技还存有某些怀疑。 Tessa Fowler in the face of such words and deeds, but also because of their own skills Tessa also have some doubts.
事实上,“汞合金”和“秘银”,以及附带的几条单词和情报,其内容就算泄露也已经不会再导致困扰了。 In fact, "amalgam" and "Mithril", and a few words and accompanying information, leaking its contents even if the result has not bothering. 那都是些若是会对这种组织表示深切关注的军队相关人士和政府相关人士,只要有那个心,马上就能掌握到的程度的东西。 If these are the organizations that have such deep concern related to the army and the government concerned, as long as that heart can immediately grasp the extent of things.
东京的阵代高中的人们也是一样的。 Tokyo RUF and high school people as well.
美利达岛基地受到攻击的那次事件之后,泰莎在致力于补给问题的同时,也尽可能地收集了情报。 Linklaters US attack on the base after the incident, Tessa working to resupply problem, but also as far as possible to collect intelligence. 在那些情报当中,当然也包含了在被派往东京的运输直升机和“强弩”,以及相良宗介和千鸟要身上发生了什么,这些客观的事实。 Among those in the intelligence, of course, also included in the transport helicopter sent to Tokyo and "Jiangnu", and referred to in-phase and 1,000 birds on what happened to these objective facts.
所知道的是—— Know is --
运输直升机“Geybo 9”在市内的公园着陆的前一刻被击坠,包括机长桑托斯中尉在内的机组成员全部死亡。 Transport helicopters "Geybo 9" in the city's parks minute before landing runs sinkers, including Lieutenant Commander Santos, killing all crew members.
“强弩”在调布市的泉川町——那所学校的周边,与“汞合金”的派遣部队展开了激烈的战斗,最后与“某种新型AS”交战而严重破损。 "Jiangnu" in Chofu City Izumigawa Machimura - surrounding the school, and "amalgam" of troops engaged in a fierce battle with the final "AS a new" war and severe damage. 其残骸为日本警察所回收,之后一部分的零件又被某个人带走了。 The wreckage was recovered by the Japanese police, after being part of the parts and took away a person.
千鸟要在那场战斗中行踪不明,就此再未能掌握到其所在。 1,000 birds in the field fighting whereabouts were unknown, not this again in their grasp. 恐怕是被“汞合金”带走了吧。 I am afraid that by "amalgam" away instead.
而相良宗介—— The phase-in referrals --
在“强弩”被严重破坏的战斗的数日后,突然出现在学校,与二年四班的同学们——不,现在已经是三年四班了吧——面对面,说明了小要失踪的理由之后就离开了那里。 "Jiangnu" seriously undermine the future of the fighting, suddenly appeared in schools, and four classmates, 2002 - No, now it is the four 2003 - face-to-face on the reasons for the disappearance of small to left there after. 只留下“一定会把她带回来”这么一句话。 Left "will certainly bring her back," This sentence.
重要的,是这种情报。 Importantly, such information.
其他的还有“Tuatha de Danaan”的所在,保有的武器装备以及物资的残存量。 There are other "de Danaan stalking" the whereabouts of the weapons and equipment and maintain the remnants of material. 也就是还剩下多少程度的战斗能力。 What is left of the fighting capacity. 还有泰莎对“汞合金”已经了解多少。 There Tessa right "amalgam" already know how much.
玛纱关于种种这些完全都不知情。 Mary yarn on all of these are completely unaware. 即使对警察和FBI,CIA啦NSA啦的说出从泰莎那里听到的情报,他们大概也不会认为那些情报有很大的价值吧。 Even the police and the FBI, the CIA up NSA up Tessa heard from the state intelligence, they also do not think about those great intelligence value it.
“所以——” "So -"
只是说明了玛纱所知的情报都不重要之后,泰莎在车中告诉她: Mary was simply a statement of the yarn are not aware of important information, Tessa in the car told her:
“福勒会那么说,是在试探我。也可以说始终是为了以防万一。” "Fowler would then say, in my test. It can be said that has always been to just in case. "
“我不明白啊,泰蕾莎。” "I do not understand ah, Marie."
“是在观察我会不会表现出什么动摇吧。再继续演戏的话,他会真的杀了你也说不定。所以,我才就此停止了自己的表演。也就是说——” "I will observe the performance of what it shaken. Continue to show it, he would really kill you knows. Therefore, I will not stop their performances. In other words - "
“也就是说?也就是说什么?” "In other words? That is what? "
被一个接一个的异变搞得筋疲力尽,玛纱用腻烦的声音反问道。 The next one is a mutation in a tired, bored Mary yarn with the voice asked.
“就是说你已经没有情报上的价值了。可以回到原来的生活了。应该已经不会再第二次和我们扯上关系了吧。” "You have no say on the value of the intelligence. Can return to the original life. No longer should have been second and we link instead. "
“是吗。那真是太棒了呢。” "Is it right. It is really fantastic. "
“对不起,大夫。您还如同亲人般地接待我。按照最初的计划,本来预想的是会遇到更加公事公办,漠不关心的负责医生的。” "Excuse me, doctor. You also like to receive my relatives swiftly. According to the initial plan, originally expected to face more requirements, the doctor in charge of indifference. "
“原来如此。也就是说我是个出乎意料的大好人,是吧?全拜对工作热心所赐,被杀手们盯上,还被我以为可怜的患者漂亮地摆了一道!” "So that was it. That is to say I am a surprisingly large man, right? All Baidoa enthusiastic thanks to the work by the killer were targeted, I thought that was pretty poor with the one ahead! "
泰莎保持着冷静的表情,注视着半歇斯底里地喊叫着的她。 Tessa maintained a calm expression, watching the semi-hysterical shouting her.
“我为此表示谢罪。……但是,我的演技很不错吧?” "I apologize for this. ... But, my acting is pretty good? "
“啊,说不定是吧。” "Ah, maybe yes."
玛纱改为面无表情地说。 Mary yarn into impassively said.
叉子开进了目的地的公园。 Fork entered a destination park. 正沉入黄昏的黑暗中的周围街道,已经在各种各样颜色的照明灯下,开始如同水晶工艺品般闪耀着亮眼的光芒。 Dusk is sunk in the darkness of the surrounding streets, in a variety of colors lighting lamps, crystal display started as a chip like flashing light.
被泰莎催促着,她走下了车子。 The press was Tessa, she stepped down from the car. 公园里还有几个散步中的行人,但泰莎的“部下”们完全不管那些,就那样拿着枪从车上下来了。 There are several parks in the pedestrian walk, but Tessa "subordinates" completely no matter who, as with a gun from the car down. 头顶上响起激荡空气的螺旋桨声,公园的花草在吹下来的强风中剧烈地摇摆着。 Atop the air surging into the propeller sound of the plants in the park the strong wind blowing down in a dramatic swing.
眼睛看不见的运输直升机正在公园内降落。 Eyes are invisible transport helicopters landed at the park. 之后在不到数分钟之内,泰蕾莎·泰斯塔罗沙和她的伙伴们大概就会从这条街上干脆漂亮地消失得一干二净了吧。 After less than a few minutes within Taileishataishi Rosa and her partners will probably simply beautiful from the street to disappear completely instead.
边按着随着强风起伏的头发,玛纱向泰莎喊道: With strong winds while moving in undulating hair, Mary yarn to Tessa yelled:
“可以问你个问题吗?” "You can ask the question?"
“那要看内容而定了。不过,请问吧。” "It will depend on the content. But does it. "
“你,那个……什么感觉也没有过吗?被运到急救室的时候,应该受到过屈辱的诊疗才对呀。到我这里来之后也是,从没有认真地被当成人类来对待。为什么你能够忍受那样的事呢?” "You, ... what that feeling has never? Been transported to the emergency room, should be a disgrace for the clinics only ah. After that I here is, from the serious to be treated as human beings. Why are you able to endure another? "
“我有很多朋友死了。” "I have a lot of friends die."
泰莎沉稳地说。 Tessa steadily said.
“与那个相比的话,这些都不算什么了吧?” "Compared with that if these are not what now?"
“你想向他们复仇吗?” "You want to revenge?"
“不知道呢。” "I do not know it."
“那,为什么要做到这种地步——” "That, why should we do this stage -"
“那个,我也不是很清楚。” "Well, I was not very clear."
泰莎微微一笑。 Tessa slightly laugh.
“为什么我的胸中,还能涌出如此激烈的斗志呢。为什么即使燃尽这副身躯,也想向他们报一箭之仇呢。为了知道这一点,现在我才真的很想借助大夫您的力量,但是很遗憾,已经没有时间了。” "Why do I regarding, but also emission is so fierce fighting spirit. Even unburned why this weary, they also want to guard it. To know this, now I really want to help the doctor your strength, but unfortunately have not. "
不可视化了的运输直升机在公园的开阔区域着陆了。 No visualization of a transport helicopter in the open regional parks landed.
猛烈的下降流。 Fierce flow decline. 在泰莎周围,无数的树叶和娇嫩的花草打着漩涡舞蹈着。 In Tessa around countless leaves and delicate flowers and the banner of the whirlpool of dance. 受到公园的照明,闪耀着明亮光辉的少女的银色的长发,在风中美丽地摇摆。 By Park lighting radiates with the girl's bright shining silver hair, beautiful in the wind and wavering. 在她的背后,着陆的直升机解除了ECS,迸发着青白色的磷光现出了身形。 Behind her, landing a helicopter lifted the ECS, With a lifetime show a build of phosphorescence.
“要走啰,泰莎!” "Go 1,10, Tessa!"
脚踏在开放的货舱口上,毛喊道。 Foot in mouth open cargo hold, Mao shouted.
“嗯,走吧。再见了,大夫。” "Ah, nothing. Goodbye, Doctor. "
只说了这句话,泰蕾莎·泰斯塔罗沙走向运输机,消失在货舱的深处。 This statement only said, waving towards Taileishataishi transport planes, disappeared in the depths of the cargo hold. 完全没有再向只是定定地站在那里的玛纱·维特回过头。 Not only will again be standing there and Mary yarn Viterbi go back.
载上男人们和车子,直升机连舱盖也没关就开始升空。 On the men and the car, the helicopter did not even cover began to launch clearance.
上升到超过公园里最大的树木的高度附近,再次启动ECS,直升机的身影消失了。 Park rose to more than the maximum height of the trees near the start again ECS, helicopters figure disappeared. 溶入淡紫色的暗夜中的机体,任何人的眼睛都已经无法再捕捉到了。 Join appear in the body of the dark night, the eyes of any person have been unable to catch up.
那间餐厅虽然吸取了新哥特式的构思,但却设计得能营造出简朴的明亮氛围。 Although the restaurant learned of the new Gothic idea, but are designed to be simple to create a bright atmosphere. 东南向的窗户能吸取清爽的日光,日常用品也采用了非常稳重的颜色,都是为了能使到访的人有完美的舒畅感。 Southeast to the windows will learn from getting sunlight, daily necessities also a very prudent use of color, is to make the visiting people comfortable perfect sense.
在东欧完成了几项杂事和交涉,刚刚结束了长途旅行的雷纳德·泰斯塔罗沙接到李·福勒的电话的时候,正好刚想走进那间宅邸的餐厅。 In Eastern Europe completed several chores and representations, has just concluded a long-distance travel Leinadetaishi Rosa Lee Fowler received the telephone when it is urgent the house into a restaurant.
“被您妹妹打败了。” "Your sister was defeated."
电话的彼端,福勒说道。 Telephone side, Fowler said.
旧金山应该已经入夜了,但是在低纬度的这里,燃烧般的金黄色夕阳还照耀着室内。 San Francisco should have been dark, but here in low latitudes, burning like golden sunset also shining on indoor.
“就是说她精神还正常吧?” "Her spirit also means that normal?"
雷纳德说。 Reynolds said.
“是的。她的目标似乎是将我拘禁起来。‘地狱君王m’也被击破了。” "Yes. She seems to be the goal of my detention up. 'Hell emperor m' has been broken by. "
“真是的……” "It is ..."
将听筒按在耳边,他叹息道。 According to the earpiece in the ear, he lamented Road.
“十分抱歉,雷纳德大人。” "I am sorry, Bobby adults."
“不,我并不是在责怪你。只是为那孩子的死心眼儿感到吃惊而已。” "No, I am not blame you. Just as the children of Sixinwener just surprised. "
本该是个相当聪明伶俐的妹妹的。 This is the very bright sister's. 但是是从什么时候开始的呢? But from the beginning of time? 总觉得那孩子越在“秘银”呆着,就越变得只会做出一些愚昧的选择了。 The kids think that the more "Mithril" stay, the more they become only made some stupid choice.
这样简直就和自己所轻蔑的那些男人们——死去的父亲和他那些朋友们——只会一直沉醉于滑稽而时代错误的自我怜悯中的,又粗野又下流的“海之男”们没什么区别了不是吗。 And so it on their contempt of those men - dead father and his friends - would have been immersed in ridiculous and wrong times in self-pity, unruly and indecent "sea of men" were no different than the right.
“您意下如何?也准备了几条后续的选择——” "Your conclusion? Follow-up also prepared several options - "
“不,先停下吧。想要你帮忙的事情还有山那么多呢。李。” "No, stop it first. What you want to help-there is so much. Lee. "
“多谢您。” "Thank you."
“回来吧。妹妹的事我想暂且就先搁着好了。” "It back. Sister thing I would like to put on the first Gezhao well. "
“这样好吗?” "This okay?"
“她早晚会过来的嘛。就只为了对我进行无聊的说教,不惜以数十数百人的性命为代价。” "She will sooner or later the same over. Just to my right boring preaching, and resorted to a few hundred dollars at the expense of lives. "
“是的。看她的样子已经有了那个觉悟。” "Yes. Look at the way she already has that awareness. "
听到福勒的话,他噗哧一笑。 Fowler heard it, he laughed Puchi.
“但是,雷纳德大人。您妹妹有托我给您带话。” "However, Reynolds adults. Your sister asked me to bring it to you. "
“她说什么了?” "She said what?"
给她做条加了完全防谍措施的直通热线会更简单吧,边这么想着,雷纳德问道。 To do so, she added a full-spy measures through the hotline it will be more simple, so edge thinking, jurors asked.
“是稍微有些粗暴的话。” "Is somewhat brutally so."
“没关系,说吧。” "It does not matter, speak."
“嗯。” "Ah."
福勒的声音微微有些紧张。 Fowler's voice slightly somewhat tense. 并非害怕让雷纳德听到传言的内容,而是像被某种屈辱轻轻地勒住了喉咙一般——就是那种声音。 Reynolds is not afraid to hear the rumors, but as a humiliation by the throat gently strangled general - is the kind of voice.
“泰蕾莎大人说,‘讨厌像我这样的自作聪明的狗屁混蛋讨厌得要死’,并希望将同样的事情也转达给您。” "Marie adults say, 'I hate this as a bull think they are smart bastard die for hate', and that will also convey the same thing to you."
“这样啊。” "This ah."
唉呀呀,居然是这种话吗。 Oh yah, it is this so?.
这简直成了那些低贱的工人家庭的兄妹吵架了不是吗。 This is simply cheaper workers who become family of brothers and sisters quarrel is not it. 她的朋友似乎是彻底交错了。 Her friend seems to be a completely staggered.
(插花:……工人家庭,工人家庭怎么了!雷纳德你这个大混蛋,我代表中国数十万工人子女给你一铁锤!) (Flower arranging: ... working families, working families how! You wore this big bastard, I, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers to your children a hammer!)
“真是,了不得的威慑力呢。” "It is, not to be a deterrent."
“十分抱歉。” "I am sorry."
“不,有精神是件好事嘛。那,后面的事情就拜托你了。” "No, there is a good spirit of the same. Then, after the things you please. "
雷纳德挂断电话,环视了一下餐厅。 Yesterday hang up, look around out of the restaurant. 在长达8米还有富余的那么一张桌子上,只摆放了烛台和几样餐具。 There are up to 8 meters in surplus as a table, only put a few items of tableware and candles. 晚饭还没有准备好。 Dinner it is not ready.
从里面的常用出入口——半开着的门的另一边,传来人的气息和声音。 Common entrance from the inside - half-open door on the other side, came the flavor and sound. 有谁正在厨房里干活儿。 Who is working in the kitchen infants.
朋友交错了—— Friends staggered --
就这一点而言,说不定自己和妹妹也没什么区别。 On this point, and perhaps his sister had no distinction. 他轻轻地耸了耸肩后,推开门走进厨房,向里面的少女说道: He shrugs gently, pushed open the door into the kitchen and said to the girl inside:
“我回来了。” "I came back."
正在大型的瓦斯炉前面翻动着平底锅的少女——千鸟要,停下手中的料理,向他投去短短的一瞥。 The front grill is large saucepan banging a girl - to 1,000 birds, stop the hands of the cooking to him for a short period to a glimpse.
“你回来啦。” "You come back up."
无力地回应后,又回到料理中。 Unable to respond, in the back cooking.
“厨子很头痛哦。说不喜欢你自作主张地做晚饭。” "Oh, cook a big headache. Not like you to do notifying dinner. "
“是吗。” "Is it right."
小要边前后摇晃着平底锅,边将手伸向旁边的胡椒瓶。 After shaking small edge to the saucepan, insert hand side next to the bottles of pepper.
“你知道我在做什么吗?” "You know what I do?"
“不知道?” "I do not know?"
“是蛋包饭哦。但是这里只有泰国米。也没有日本的番茄沙司。虽然试着下了很多工夫,可还是怎么也做不出我所知道的蛋包饭来。” "Oh yes egg meals. But here only Thailand meters. No Japanese tomato sand Division. Although tried under a lot, or how can I know also can not make meals to the egg. "
“那真是遗憾啊。” "It is regrettable ah."
“不能叫谁去给我买回来吗?东京的超市里可是到处都有啊。” "Who can not ask me to buy back? But Tokyo supermarkets everywhere ah. "
比起包含了恶意的挖苦来,倒更接近于失去力量的忧郁症患者的呢喃。 Compared to contain malicious satire, down closer to lose strength depression patients Ni-nan.
坐在附近的一把椅子上后,雷纳德说: Sitting in a chair nearby, Reynolds said:
“在那期间你就会忘了。” "During that you will forget."
“蛋包饭的味道吗?” "Egg meals taste?"
“我也已经忘了。很久很久以前吃过的烤小羊肉。还有制作它的母亲的脸。” "I had forgotten. Long long ago eaten the small roasted mutton. It also produced the mother's face. "
“…………” "... ..."
“所谓的时间,就是这么个东西。” "The so-called time, it is all a thing."
“所以,也就是说,我早晚有一天也会爱上你的是吧。” "So, in other words, sooner or later one day I will fall in love with you, right."
“我没那么说啊。” "I have not said so ah."
雷纳德带着些自嘲的味道微笑道。 Reynolds says more with the flavor of a smile Road.
“无论如何也没办法违抗命运。只有接受它,才能获得终有一天到来的其他救赎。我只是在说这个而已。” "In any case have no alternative to defy fate. Only accept it can one day come to the other redemption. I just say this only. "
小要用湖水般平静的眼睛注视着他。 Use small lake as calm eyes watching him. 虽然那视线中没有任何感情,宛如机械的传感器一般,但雷纳德却理所当然似地接受了。 Although there is nothing in sight feelings, like mechanical sensors in general, but Reynolds has rightly accepted the sign.
“你真的这么想吗。” "You really think so?."
她喃喃道,又回到摇动平底锅的作业中。 She displayed Road, shaking pan back to the operations.
雷纳德定定地凝视着小要的背影。 Reynolds will be in the small to gaze provides some background. 薄薄的百褶裙和合身的丝绸衬衫。 Thin silk skirts and blouses fit.
他边呆呆地眺望着那从脖子到后背,从腰部到大腿的柔和而优美的曲线,边回味着她话里的意思。 Ray Leh his side from the neck to look back, from waist to thigh soft and beautiful curves, while her memorable words mean.
你真的这么想吗—— Do you really think so? --
那当然了。 That of course.
他在想是不是要边这么说边靠近,从后面抱住她。 He is not to say that side near the edge, pulled her from behind. 她大概不会抵抗吧。 She probably will not resist it. 这他很清楚。 This he very clearly.
但是,那样就没有意义了。 However, as there is no significance.
雷纳德耸了耸肩站起来,打算离开厨房。 Yesterday possibly stand up, to leave the kitchen.
“但是——” "But -"
她悄悄地嘟囔道。 She quietly read Road.
“我做的真正的蛋包饭,是非常好吃的哦。没能做给你尝尝,真是遗憾。” "I do real eggs board is a very delicious oh. You do not try to really regret. "
“啊啊。” "Ah."
随便敷衍过去,雷纳德走出了厨房。 Casual perfunctory past, the jurors out of the kitchen.
那之后——注意到自己正回忆起某种难以言喻的不快感——在那所学校的中庭里感觉到的不快感,他稍微有些焦躁不安了。 Since then - recalled that they are not some kind of unspeakable pleasure - in the school's courtyard, felt not euphoric, he was somewhat restless.
离开厨房,走到面对宅邸中庭的回廊上,有一位西装打扮的女性在等着他。 Leave the kitchen, reached in the face of everything the court corridors, there are a woman dressed in a suit waiting for him. 手中拿着携带终端。 Holding hands with terminal. 似乎刚刚才结束了某次通信。 It seems that just before the end of a communication.
“好像还活着。” "It is still alive."
女子说道。 Woman said.
甚至没必要特意去问“是谁?”。 Specially not even necessary to ask "Who?" . 雷纳德·泰斯塔罗沙的心里已经大致有底了。 Leinadetaishi Rosa has been broadly in the hearts of the tourism.
“是他呢。” "He is yes."
“是的。相良宗介。” "Yes. Phase-in referrals. "
————————————啊我还是没能翻到宗介出场分界线———————————— ------------ Ah I still did not turn out in the referral line ------------
可是下面就会翻到。 But will turn below. ……还是总觉得有点……嗯,只要深渊君不介意就好了…… ... Or a bit of ... ah, if not mind-Jun abyss like ...
所谓的命运,到底是什么样的东西呢。 The so-called fate, in the end what kind of stuff too.
有的时候,命运似乎确实存在。 Sometimes, it seems that fate does indeed exist. 许多事情,就像天注定的一样。 Many things, like heaven is true. 作品中也是,现实中也是。 Also in the works, it is also a reality.
因为身具与众不同的力量,而被一部分人利用,被另一部分人抛弃。 Because they have different forces, and some people were used by some people to abandon another. 这就是身为“倾听者”的小要和泰莎,甚至雷纳德的命运吗。 This is a "listen" to the small and Tessa, or even miss the fate of this.
面对这样的命运,雷纳德选择随波逐流,泰莎选择勇敢抗争,那么小要呢…… Faced with such a fate, jurors choose to drift with the tide, Tessa choice courageous struggle, then to be small ...
最开始看到这一话的时候,感觉到的只是凄凉和麻木而已。 Most begin to see if this time, felt numbness and it is miserable.
但是那句“你真的这么想吗”…… But it, "You really think so?" ...
盯着这句话看了很久,不知为何能从中感觉到某种静静燃烧着的力量。 Staring at long read this sentence, I do not know why some feel quietly from the combustion of force. 就像压抑在平静湖面下的火焰一般,小要的抗争,并没有结束吧。 Like suppressed in a calm lake under the general flame, small to struggle, and not the end of it.
就算被长时间的拘禁夺去了反抗的力气,但内心身处的性情,是永远改变不了的东西。 Even if the lengthy detention was killed resisting the effort, but the inner side of the character is not always change things.
她曾经为了与脑中的耳语抗争,一头撞上树干。 She had to struggle with brain whisper, hit a tree.
她曾经为了拯救潜艇,用一只刨丝板对抗比她强大十倍的男人。 She had to save the submarine, with a silk plow plate 10 times stronger than her against the men.
她曾经为了对抗来夺去自己生命的杀手,从很高的楼顶跳下。 She had to in order to confront the killer claimed his life, jumped from the high roof.
她曾经为了保护在场的同学,自愿成为诱饵。 She had to protect the students present, a voluntary bait.
那样的她,从心底燃烧着“不愿输给命运”的她,应该——不,是绝对,不会就此倒下。 As her from the bottom of my heart burning, "lost to fate," she should - no, definitely not this fall.
封闭和压抑只是外表,我们所缺乏的只是一个契机。 Closed and suppress only appearance, we are just a lack of opportunity. 待到宗介和他的强弩意气风发地出现在她的面前的时候,相信我们能看到爆发一般的红莲火焰,再次燃烧起来。 Up until the time of referral and his Qiangnu vigorous appearance in front of her time, I believe we will see a general outbreak of HL flames, burning up again.
自己的身上,或许也背负着不幸的命运。 His body may have to bear the unfortunate fate. 从出生开始,就不断地在被欺负,受伤和生病中生存。 From birth, constantly being bullied, injured and sick to survive.
但是如果这样就什么也不做了,怨天尤人的话,小要和宗介绝对不会原谅我吧。 But if it does not do anything, it seemed, and were referred to small absolutely not forgive me.
这也是这个名叫小道的人,一直还在这里的原因。 This is also the name of the tracks, has still here reasons.
说到蛋包饭,我是做过的哟。 As the egg board, I was done yo. 但是因为技术不到家,用手卷蛋包饭差点把手烫成红烧猪蹄……虽然卖相不错,但是做起来太痛苦,所以只做了一次。 But because technology can not home, vol hands almost handle hot meals eggs boiled pork into Although the sale of ... well, but doing it too painful, so only once.
我最近买到了甜菜,打算尝试一下加叔叔的甜菜肉汤……不知道要是加进那俩东西还能不能吃了……还是不要加了吧。 I recently bought the beet, to try to increase the uncle of beet broth ... do not know if those two things into can not eat ... it is better not to add it. 为了得知它到底是什么味道,还在附近的店里搜索过Dr. Pepper的汽水,但是没有找到,如果买到了,我估计也不敢把它加热了喝…… In order to know what flavor it in the end, the shop also searched nearby Dr. Pepper soft drinks, but did not find, if available, I estimate that it did not dare to drink the heating ...
在睡前的闲暇时间构思了一个小小的同人。 Sleep leisure time in a little idea of my colleagues. 但是没有时间打出来……先打一个开头。 But no time to play out ... first hit a beginning.
金黄色的夕阳照耀着舒缓的斜坡。 Golden sunset shining on the slopes ease. 火烧般的晚霞铺满了西面的天空。 The sunset afterglow burned everywhere as a western sky. 归巢的鸟儿发出清长的鸣叫,初夏的傍晚,城市的街道凉风宜人。 Homing birds sing a-long, the early summer evening, the city's streets pleasant breeze.
长长的坡道上,一名少年和一名少女手牵手地走着。 A long ramp, a boy and a girl, walking hand in hand. 不,与其说是少年和少女,不如说是两个年纪尚幼的小孩子。 No, it is not so much juvenile and young girls, it is better that David's two young children.
男孩戴着方框眼镜,头上扣着大大的帽子,右手提着与自己身高相比显得十分庞大的笔记本电脑,左手牵着少女的右手。 Box boy wearing glasses on his head, Herrera greatly hat and with his right hand to a height is very large compared with notebook computers, the girls left hand holding his right hand.
两边梳着短短的小辫子,身穿粉红色长衫的女孩,苹果般圆鼓鼓的小脸蛋浮现淡淡的红晕。 A short biography on both sides find fault with others, wearing a pink gown girls, as Apple faces a small circle swelling up being drafted pin.
两个人一开始,只是默默地走着。 A two people, just walking in silence.
突然,女孩开口向男孩喊道: Suddenly, the girls open to boys yelled:
“呐,小毅。” "Na, small-yi."
“干什么?” "Why?"
男孩头也没回地答应道。 Boys promised to wire Road.
“我喜欢小毅。” "I like small-yi."
“又来了。同样的话你已经说了3827次了吧。” "Came again. The same thing you have said it 3,827 times. "
于是女孩突然停住了脚步,拉着男孩也停了下来。 Therefore girls suddenly stopped the footsteps of boys also pulled down stop.
“可是我还是要说!我喜欢小毅,最喜欢,最喜欢,最最最最喜欢!!!” "But I do want to say! I like small-yi, favorite, favorite and the most liked's largest! ! ! "
男孩有些无奈,又有些窘迫地,回头看向女孩。 But some boys, some distress, looking back to the girls.
“我知道的。所以不用总说也可以吧。” "I know. They do not need it can be said that total. "
“不行!因为,如果我今天不说,明天小毅就又会不知道被抓到什么地方去。” "No! Because, if I do not say that today, tomorrow will be on small-yi did not know what to be caught. "
女孩仿佛受了什么委屈似的,原本就红润的脸颊涨得愈发通红,湿润的眼睛只是看着地面。 The girls seem to like what grievances, originally rosy cheeks up in the increasingly red, wet eyes just looked at the ground.
“我喜欢小毅。不想小毅被抓走。所以我想变得更厉害。” "I like small-yi. Small-yi not been captured. Therefore, I would like to become more formidable. "
女孩稍微停顿了一下之后,像是在对自己,又像是在对男孩发誓一样,说出了原本不该是从这么小的孩子口中说出的话语。 A little girl paused, as if their right, like in the boys swear, the state of the original should not be so small children from the mouth of the state discourse.
“我会保护小毅的。无论遇到什么事情我都会保护你的。无论你被带到什么地方去我都会把你带回来的。所以……我希望小毅不要觉得我是在做没有用的事。” "I will protect the small-yi. No matter what face I will protect you. No matter what you have been taken to the places I will take you back. So ... I hope that the small-yi not think I was doing useless things. "
男孩微微愣了一下。 Slightly distracted by the boys. 继而转过身,牵起女孩小小的,圆圆的,可却不知为何伤痕累累的小手。 Then turned, the gap girls small, round, but I do not know why the countless small hand injuries.
“嗯。” "Ah."
就只说了这么一句,把头上的帽檐压得更低,压到看不见脸,男孩继续迈开脚步。 So the only one to the head just below the edge of the lower pressure, pressure to invisible face, the boy started to pace.
“回家吧。” "It home."
幼小的男孩,牵着幼小的女孩,走在熟悉而又陌生的归家路上。 Young boys, young girls walking, walking home the familiar and unfamiliar road. 夕阳那温暖的光芒照在他们身上,在地上拖出长长的影子。 The warmth of the setting sun shine on them as, on the ground out of the long shadow.
“……嗯。” "... Ah."
男孩揉揉干涩的眼睛,从电脑桌前撑起身体。 Boys inch dry eyes, put up an body from the computer table.
自己是什么时候睡着的呢。 When he was sleeping it.
记不得了。 Hutchison is incredible. 不过倒是记得自己在这之前已经一整天没有睡觉了。 However But remember this day no one has before bedtime.
“樱子……” "Yingzi ..."
他低声念出少女的名字,拿起放在手边已经变得冰冷的黑咖啡一饮而尽。 He responded with a girl's name read out, pick up on the icy hand has become black coffee drinking.
原本小孩子是不应该喝这种东西的。 Originally children should not drink this thing. 可是如果不喝这东西自己一定会睡着,那么就又会梦见她的事。 But if they drink things that will fall asleep, then she will dream of things.
出于对“梦”这种事物的恐惧,男孩已经在很长一段时间里抗拒着睡眠。 Out of "Dreams" that the fear of things that boys have for a very long time, the resistance of sleep.
头脑稍微清醒了之后,他叹了口气,继续回到作业中。 After a little sober-minded, he sighs a breath and continue to return to operations.
堆在身边的,是大大小小的移动硬盘、光盘、磁盘,面前的显示屏上流淌着形形色色的数据。 In the barns around, large and small mobile hard disk, CD-ROM, diskette, before the screen flowed all kinds of data. 英语,日语,数字。 English, Japanese, figures.
男孩的工作就是处理这些东西。 Boys work is to deal with these things. 编写和调试程序,破解密码,远程控制计算机,等等等等。 Writing and debugging procedures, crack passwords, remote control computer, and so on and so forth.
自己被抓到任何地方都是做这些事情——至于自己的其他则完全没有人关心。 They were caught doing any of these things are - for their own while others absolutely no concern.
除了那些人之外。 In addition to those outside.
但是…… But ...
不,都已经无所谓了。 No, have had indifferent.
男孩扶正眼镜,双手如同机械般在键盘上流畅地操作。 Boys Fuzheng glasses, as mechanical hands on the keyboard as the smooth operation.
这样过了不久,紧闭的屋门突然打开了。 Shortly after this, shut the door suddenly opened.
“出来。所长有事找你。” "Out. Director of emergency for you. "
眼前的女性,通过翻译器向男孩说道。 Immediate women, through the translation of the boys said.
(待续) (To be continued)
……只看开头是不是一头雾水? ... Is not only the beginning of loss? 其实这是一个时空交叉的同人。 In fact, this is one time the whole cross. 想要说的是“不要屈服”。 Want to say is "Do not yield."
小毅和樱子虽然是很暧昧的名字,但实际上是中国孩子。 Although Ying Zi Yi and small is very ambiguous name, but is actually Chinese children. 但是小毅现在所在的地方是日本。 But small places where Yi is now in Japan. (小毅的全名是唐毅,而樱子则叫做徐樱子。年龄……总之都非常小。) (Small full name is Yi Tang Yi, and Xu Ying Zi Ying Zi were called. All in all age ... are very small.)
如果大家对此有兴趣的话,以后的MMD后面我也会继续附上的。 If you are interested in this, since the MMD will continue after I attached. 没兴趣的话,我就不写了…… Not interested, I do not write ...
那么,以上。 Then, above. 请期待下次更新。 Please look forward to the next update.

最新评论 ( 点击这里查看更早的所有评论... ) Recent comments (Click here to see all the earlier comment ...)

happy @ 2006-07-19 22:39 Happy @ 2006-07-19 22:39

多谢小道的辛苦翻译·~~~~ I would like to thank the hard roads translation ~ ~ ~ ~

cccp @ 2006-07-21 09:32电邮: akakby@126.com Cccp @ 2006-07-21 09:32 Email: akakby@126.com

mmd01在哪没找着 Mmd01 not ever find what

odin2000 @ 2006-07-21 13:30 Odin2000 @ 2006-07-21 13:30

HOHO~等到第二话了~多谢小道的翻译 The second interesting to wait until then to thank the translation paths

血十字 @ 2006-07-21 18:17 @ Cross Blood 2006-07-21 18:17

这样的千鸟让人心痛<br /> 这样的泰莎让人振奋 The 1,000 birds that people hear <br /> such exciting people Tessa

和猪在一起 @ 2006-07-22 15:20 And pigs with @ 2006-07-22 15:20

恩,看了3个版本了,泉川,银秘(这个快是快,7月号都翻完了,就那个防盗措施让人受不了啊),还是小道版的最亲啊~~~,超谢谢的,我正好没下到OVA的漫画的说````因为之前漫游出了字幕```总之,加油啊 TU, after reading three versions, Izumigawa, silver Peru (Fast is fast, in July, turned the end of the security measures that people could not take ah), or track version of the most pro-ah ~ ~ ~, super - Thank you, I did not exactly under the OVA comics that `` because of `` before roaming out for subtitles `` `In short, refueling ah

小普 @ 2006-07-25 01:16 Small Cape @ 2006-07-25 01:16

新篇呢``支持``` New chapter is `` support `` `

kame @ 2006-07-25 12:14 Kame @ 2006-07-25 12:14

就算被长时间的拘禁夺去了反抗的力气,但内心身处的性情,是永远改变不了的东西。 Even if the lengthy detention was killed resisting the effort, but the inner side of the character is not always change things.
她曾经为了与脑中的耳语抗争,一头撞上树干。 She had to struggle with brain whisper, hit a tree.
她曾经为了拯救潜艇,用一只刨丝板对抗比她强大十倍的男人。 She had to save the submarine, with a silk plow plate 10 times stronger than her against the men.
她曾经为了对抗来夺去自己生命的杀手,从很高的楼顶跳下。 She had to in order to confront the killer claimed his life, jumped from the high roof.
她曾经为了保护在场的同学,自愿成为诱饵。 She had to protect the students present, a voluntary bait.
那样的她,从心底燃烧着“不愿输给命运”的她,应该——不,是绝对,不会就此倒下。 As her from the bottom of my heart burning, "lost to fate," she should - no, definitely not this fall.
封闭和压抑只是外表,我们所缺乏的只是一个契机。 Closed and suppress only appearance, we are just a lack of opportunity. 待到宗介和他的强弩意气风发地出现在她的面前的时候,相信我们能看到爆发一般的红莲火焰,再次燃烧起来。 Up until the time of referral and his Qiangnu vigorous appearance in front of her time, I believe we will see a general outbreak of HL flames, burning up again.
这话说的真好,小道姐宗介,小要,大家,加油! Saying that the very good and roads sister were referred to small, we, Come on!

宝贝 @ 2006-08-12 00:14电邮: wangqing991514@163.com Baby @ 2006-08-12 06:55 Email: wangqing991514@163.com

我来了,又更新了,辛苦小道了。 I came, and updates, the hard roads.

郁闷中的天空 @ 2006-08-31 16:15 The sky's @ 2006-08-31 16:15

小道JJ,为什么前后接不上趟啊? Roads JJ, then why not on the trip around ah? 那个modo1有没有? That modo1 have?

uccoffee @ 2007-01-12 12:25 Uccoffee @ 2007-01-12 12:25

这样简直就和自己所轻蔑的那些男人们--死去的父亲和他那些朋友们--只会一直沉醉于滑稽而时代错误的自我怜悯中的,又粗野又下流的“海之男”们没什么区别了不是吗。 And so it on their contempt of those men - dead father and his friends - would have been immersed in ridiculous and wrong times in self-pity, unruly and indecent "sea of men" were no different than the right. <<<<< WHo is 海之男? <<<<< WHo is the male sea?

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